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Sunday 10 March 2013

Chris Huhne in trouble again! & Paras without parachutes!

Chris Huhne does no favours for himself does he!  Deep in trouble over the speeding points debacle, and hopefully awaiting a custodial sentence, he is now photographed driving the wrong way in a one way street! The story, with photo's in the Mail online go's on to point out 2 further transgressions on a bike one ignoring a "No right turn" sign and ignoring a "No Entry" sign.  His idiocy it seems knows no bounds! 

There's a great story in the Telegraph which to me seems to de-bunk the whole global warming theory.  A Chillingly (sorry) "accurate" graph shows the temperature to have only warmed 0.8 of a degree since 1997.  Ok its all a load of "statistics" but you cant deny we have spent billions of £'s on trying to goad people into slowing down the "global warming" trend.  worth a read! 

We all, well some of us, like a good challenge! You know what i mean you do something that sometimes is a little "hairy" or down right "dangerous" but your self belief and self confidence drives you on to beat whatever you are trying to overcome.  The story though on Sky News of the death of a sailor in a yacht race near the US coast sounds like a case of going "beyond the line".  The yacht was already in trouble but they carried on until it became a disaster and one man died. Its a fine line between success and failure but knowing when to choose one or the other takes a bit of doing!

The Express on Sunday Express to be precise is not known for its sensible headlines but one today is worth a look.  "Revenge of Saville Victim" a woman who lays claim to having been abused by Saville and other BBC people is refusing to pay her TV licence fee.  She might end up in prison if she carries through her threat - - - interesting to follow the story if the "Express" has the guts. 

The Mail online carries a story worth a read about the Parachute Regiment not training all their soldiers in the art of parachuting.  The storyline is laced with facts and figures and even carries a picture of "Sean Connery" acting in the film "A Bridge Too Far"! Interestingly though i liked the comments section below the storyline which has been injected by the "old guard" Paras and the old "hate the Paras" ex squaddies.  A real hoot!

Work today was a bit of an anti climax after the slight "panic buying" trend brought on by the threat of snow yesterday.  We did have snow overnight but only above 800ft near the top of the valley sides.  As we are only at 300ft there was very little around this morning and the shop saw little trade after the normal Sunday morning activity between 1000 and 1230.  Last minute fathers and kids buying up Mothers day flowers and chocs made a bit of an impression but it had all fizzled out by 1300.  The clouds cleared a bit this afternoon and it looks as if we are in for a cold night! 

Enjoy the day
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1 comment:

  1. When were parachutes last used in an operation ? I reckon all parachutes should be made into hammocks and jungle suits. You know my liking of parachutes

