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Monday 18 March 2013

A Gardeners tale! & Cyprus banks charge for saving!

Its a cold (-0.9c 07:00) foggy morning here in Darley Dale and there's promise of it getting colder and the snow will return today and get worse tomorrow say the weathermen.  We can however take some "warmth" from the Daily Express headline today that "House prices up £142 per day"  - - - must be a very slow news day.

Yesterdays Sunday Express was in a similar vain proclaiming we had a "Crisis as we all stop shopping"  I wish someone would tell my wife, - - - only joking!

The ever present danger of the mountains is once again well documented in the story of the deaths of a Father and Son out hiking in the Mount Blanc region.  The Sky News copy carries a quote from local sources that they had "inadequate equipment" for what they were doing. 

"Flushed with success" after our sunny greenhouse preparation a few days ago we set about a couple of tasks in the garden yesterday even though it was pretty cloudy and cold.  We have a couple of Bamboo plants (cant get rid of em once you've got em in") which are beginning to obscure our view from the top terrace so decided to plant them on the lowest terrace but in front of the pond.  The idea here is for the gently waving fronds to provide some shade for the pond in summer which will assist in arresting the onset of green water algae production. 

We first needed to "make the bed" for the 2 bamboo so a bit of cement was mixed and we threw a couple of bricks one on top of the other "literally" to block off a gap between and old pond structure and the wall of the current one.  Hopefully it will look pretty good once the plants are in.

Another idea was to encourage things to grow up a lattice work screen in front of our top terrace.  This idea had a modicum of success last year partly due to the fact we had "things" in pots rather than the ground.  So our second task yesterday was to open up a bed at the foot of the screen to give this years "things" a fighting chance of survival.  That done we slurped down a stubby and retired to the warmth of the front room.  A few minutes later the sun came out!!!!!!

It would appear though that there are clouds developing locally on the gardening front.  John our next door neighbour who you might remember was the butt of my merciless ribbing last year about the state of his garden has really pulled up his socks.  As the following pics from yesterday show.
His "lower terrace", shown here,  which you might recall is the "courtyard terrace" is showing the fruits of his winter time labours and looks set to be "resplendent" in summer. 
His "upper terrace" however still has a little work remaining.  The green house terrace, in the foreground, has finally eaten the greenhouse which never stood on more than 2 corners of the 4 it possessed.  In the distance the "green sward" of his "conservatory terrace" which is fast turning back into the field from whence it came can be seen.  No sign of the conservatory or its backing wall as yet.  - - - - hours of entertainment our John hours of entertainment. 

The real gardeners tale however in this snippet is the garden bounded by the fence on the left of the pic above.  This is the domain of a lady in the next terrace who has taken to task our friend Sharon (who owns the garden obscured by the stone wall in the pic)  who you might recall from previous blogs is away in Canada working. 
The lady in question is haranguing Sharon to sharpen up her tenants gardening skills (which appear to be on a par with Johns) or "legal action has been threatened".  Most  of the gardens in that terrace could do with some serious TLC so methinks there's a hidden agenda here!

Finally - - - What a strange story from Cyprus "the troubled little isle" at the end of the Mediterranean sea.  A place dear to my heart as it was the first place i visited "abroad" in 1964 after joining the Army. 
However i digress, the plan is for a one off tax to be levied against people with money in the Cyprus bank in order to get the island out of the financial mess they are in.  the story  belies belief to anyone who to quote a line from a previous blog "the government will do nothing to help anyone who saves their money pays their bill and does the right thing" Or maybe the words "Will screw" should replace "will do nothing to help" in the above quote!

Enjoy the day
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