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Tuesday 26 March 2013

Bits and "boobs"

The snow that's falling right now has not been forecast although the doom and gloom merchants have written off Easter already.  The Daily Express yesterday had a headline of "Coldest Easter Ever -15c" there's some light at the end of the tunnel though as the Telegraph has a story about a "heatwave"  coming our way.  Sad to say though the same story tells us of such gas shortages that our energy bills are going to have to increase. - - - surely if there's NO gas how can they charge us for it - - - oh never mind!

A grisly story on sky news report the murders of 7 men in the city of Uruapan in Mexico with a warning that "all muggers, kidnappers rapists and extortionists" will see a similar fate in the future.  A hint in the story links the murders to drugs, the last line in the story relates that there have been 10,000 drug related murders per year for the last 7 years.  A chilling reminder to stay off the drugs and out of Mexico!  

2 "Ooops Booobed" stories are again carried by sky, the first one a Great white shark almost gets revenge on these thrill seekers who get pleasure from taunting the animals with tit bits just to get close to them while in a cage underwater.  I wonder what would have happened if the shark had been small enough to get into the cage? 
The second Oooops Booobed story is of a bloke who decided to copy a you tube stunt on the 140ft high  Corona Arch in Utah USA, only to kill himself in the process.  It involved The Arch, A Bloke, and A Rope, the idea was for The Bloke, to jump off, The Arch, and end up swinging on The Rope.  The first job would be to "measure the rope" especially the bit that would dangle down!.  Methinks the Gene pool has been slightly cleansed of, some - - -  inadequate material shall we say!

Ahead of the Easter weekend with its predicted snow we had a bit of a "panic buy" in the shop yesterday.  As usual "mad eyed" customers were barging each other out of the way in search of the usual stuff.  The afternoon was particularly busy and i only had 15 minutes left of my shift when the cry went up, "The MAC ladies here!". 
This is a corporate person who visits the branches making sure we have particular items on the shelf, MAC stands for Making Availability Count.  As i left the store i noticed one of the bosses, "lets call him Mike" looking a little concerned as he clutched the MAC ladies report with "a number" of observations on it!

Finally - - - We actually saw the sun yesterday!,  so here's a pic by Sally

  A Thrush, not a bird normally associated with our bird feeders has taken a liking to the fat/seed balls and has been a regular visitor for a couple of days.  Here's a pic i got a few minutes ago

Enjoy the day
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