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Thursday 21 March 2013

Stark reality! - Environmental crime & brace yourself the snow is coming!

The budget was its normal range of "Boooo's & Hooray's" with not a lot of cheer so lets leave it where it is!

A busy day in the shop because a lot of people are taking heed of the weather warning of lots of snow.  Its apparently going to start tonight and last for most of tomorrow.  It could be a slow day in the shop!!!! 

Talking to a bloke today in the shop who is normally very jolly.  He looked a little glum and when i engaged him in conversation he told me he had lost his grandson last week to cancer. The stark reality of it all came home when he said he was aged just 17 -------------------.

Because of the budget yesterday it appears its a slow news day apart from a couple of gems.  Environmental crime! could be a possibility in the story carried by Sky News Thousands of dead prawns washed up on a beach in Chile.  The chilling (sorry) twist to the story is that other fish and animals have already been washed up on the countries Pacific coast.  If an environmental crime is responsible I wouldn't mind betting eventually they will end up in our food chain!

Where is spring? its the second "official" day of spring and we are all still looking towards the cold sky for the next snowfall.  Theres a very good story in the Guardian About a trip made a 100 years ago by a poet and naturalist who made a journey from Clapham Common to the Quantock Hills in Somerset.  The poet waxes lyrical about honeysuckle in flower and house martins flying around.  A different story now I imagine.  Mind you we have had at least 10 years and billions of £'s spent to arrest global warming haven't we!  Couldn't resist that one! 

Right then I had better go and fit the snow chains to Phil2, who is behaving impeccably!  in order to get to the shop before 0700 tomorrow.  lol !   

Still not any decent amount of birds on the feeders. 
Enjoy the day
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