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Saturday 30 March 2013

Everyone's caught in the act! & Sainsbury the Tabby is falsely accused!

Another cracker of a headline in the Daily Express this morning "Proof Aspirin fights cancer, pill cuts risk by a quarter say experts!" No doubt by Monday someone else will find out its actually bad for us!  A little down the front page is a much better statement.  "Britain in grip of new ice age, now we face 200 years of freezing winters!"  Wonderful optimism! 

Only yesterday we were wondering when "The Boat Race" was taking place and today the BBC carry a story about the security being employed after last years debacle when Mr Trenton Oldfield decided to take a dip in the Thames to disrupt the race. 
The police however have contacted him this year asking if he "was planning any action this year" to which he replied that he would "probably have a ramble across the Cotswolds instead"  The scale of the security in the story seems incredible, i wonder who pays for it?

I spotted this little snippet while checking a yahoo e mail account its worth looking at the video to see this guy leap 1.63 metres from a standing start in a gym! 

I recounted yesterday the sorry tale and demise of an Easter Bunny at the hands of, well paws really, of "Sainsbury" our Tabby cat.  A little incident just before dawn today however shows he was "falsely accused!"

It was around 0425 this morning when i heard a cat yowling and realised it was coming from downstairs.  Thinking the "interloper", stray cat might be in the house i crept down the stairs and looked towards the kitchen with the noise still going on.  Still too dark to see anything i switched on a light fully expecting to hear the cat flap noise as the "interloper" would be making his escape. 

As I walked towards the kitchen i spotted Tom the old black mog and it was he who was making the noise.  All lights on now i wondered what was going on as he is normally silent unless in the midst of a fighting situation.  He then came towards me and I spotted something in his mouth. 
So here we are at 0430 this morning, Tom caught red handed with a tiny rabbit (dead) in his jaws!  After I got it off him and looked around i discovered that i had stepped over another corpse at the bottom of the stairs.  We had always presumed "Sainsbury" to be the culprit but will have to reconsider now!

I waxed lyrical yesterday about having a BBQ and it did take place.  The day was cold and sunny so it wasn't too much of a trial.  We did retreat to the greenhouse to attack our burgers although the hotdogs were eaten al fresco!  I later received an e mail from a friend with this birdfeeder still pic attached of me caught red handed wolfing down a hotdog, Sally is hidden behind one of the feeders

     Finally - - - not to be outdone Sainsbury the Tabby joined in with some of his climbing antics.
Enjoy the day
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