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Sunday 24 March 2013

Hey who switched off the lights? & Did Posh ever sing

Another day at the shop (sainsbugs Matlock) and the "debating society" peeps were in today.  We clocked one group, 6 in all, stationary for just under an hour! another smaller group 4 in total but with 4 kids in tow managed to almost block the bread isle for around 25 minutes.  They were completely oblivious of other people trying to get past and in my devilish mood i didn't bother telling them.

At one point i placed myself on the edge of their "group" filling one of the shelves.  It took a rather large gentlemen grumpily informing them they were in the way for them to move.  As soon as he had gone past they ballooned back into almost blocking the isle. 

Finally I found a product which was directly behind the lead "debater" with his trolley firmly against the display.  "Excuse me could i get in there please?" I asked.  The lead debater, bless his cotton socks, says, "I do seem to be in the way don't I", In for the kill,  i couldn't resist saying, "Yes cant you see that you are".  The group disintegrated soon after!

A little story i picked up on this morning was This one "Earth Hour" a load of "World Landmarks" turned off their lights for "an hour" to "draw attention to climate change" I do believe about 50,000 other peeps in the UK did the same during the recent snowstorm and some are still "drawing attention!"

I loved the headline in the Sunday People today "Posh I'll never sing again" I really wanted to shout "did she ever have a note in her head anyway" but that would be unkind wouldn't it!   OOOOOoooooopppppsssssss! 

Another Sunday rag carried a headline that "Brits to get homes first, Immigrants will no longer be able to jump housing queue".  Pardon me?

However something to bring us all down to earth and realise that we have some wonderful people guarding our isle and they deserve every accolade we can bestow upon them.  Please read this Story about our fantastic forces people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Enjoy the day
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