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Wednesday 20 March 2013

God botherers get justice? , budgets and page numbers!

A story from the weekends "Comic Relief" slides onto the pages of the BBC Entertainment and Arts page.  Rowen Atkinsons sketch on the show as the "Archbishop of Canterbury" drew 2200 complaints and has been "removed" from the iplayer version of the show.  As the show had a peak viewing audience of 12.2 million its not a lot really.  It go's to show though how "sensitive" to criticism the BBC Mandarins are after the recent scandals.  Free speech it seems is dead then, I hope the god botherers enjoy their bit of "justice".  Why didn't they band together and pray for Rowan Atkinson to grow horns like the "Devil".  I fear the result would not have been forthcoming! 

The budget due to be trooped out for our delight this afternoon has already had a few leaks from "well informed sources".  It looks not to be a bundle of laughs mind you whenever is it? Its a story worth a read though just to see if its the "News media" making it up or if some of the points are true

The Daily Express has another headline tack, no doubt the budget will be hammered tomorrow.  "Statins in new health alert" and a by line of "Daily pill can cause kidney damage". 

I spent a long time yesterday agonising over the placement of the many photo's into "my book" about my nearly 30 years in the Army.  I had originally (and still have to date) wanted to put the pics into the text where they were relevant to the story.  However on storing the file for the book in "the cloud" i noticed when opening it online the "MS word" version being more up to date than mine moved a few things around including the pics. Converting the book to pdf which is an online book specification also does the same.   

I checked a few other Autobiographies and noticed blocks of pictures had been inserted but didn't have numbers or upset the text page numbering.  Problem resolved I thought I'll do that, 3 hours later I finally managed to arrange some pics in a test document which didn't carry numbers but didn't interfere with the text page numbering.

The complexity of the "book template" which has different margins for odd and even page numbering took some fathoming. You have to create another "section! of the book for the picture pages.  This section creates its own numbering system from number 1.  You need to remove the page numbers but if you don't unhook the section from the rest of the book the text page numbers also disappear, which happened a "number of times" before I worked out the link!

Having had this frustrating episode i declared yesterday a booze day!  Normally Tuesday, is a "no booze day".  Having duly declared it I drove down the shop not only to put some petrol in Phil2 but also to purchase the "devils brew!".  I spoke to a colleague at the tills who mentioned that,  "winter was going on too long and that we were never to see the green shoots of spring!"

I wondered at her statement but agreed with her as I headed for the exit into the grey light rain of the car park.  It always amazes me how little some people notice the environment around them.  Ok we have been working in the garden on and off for a few days but noticed long ago the flower bulb tips showing and one or 2 of the small bushes pushing out leaves.

Here's my across the river pic of yesterday, Admittedly there doesn't look much difference from a number of other. I guess its all a matter of "observation" to see the subtle changes.

Finally then - - - Little sainsbury the cat is gradually recovering from his upset tummy, his temperature and demeanour are much better we just need to get rid of his runs!  if we don't get a result by the time the medicine runs out its back to the V-E-T.
The predicted snow arrived during the night but its so wet its not going to accumulate! Birdfeeder report: we still only seem to be attracting Blackbirds, Robins and the odd Pigeon to the feeders?
Back to the Salt Mine tomorrow for a weeks shifts so blog updates will be later in the day. 
Enjoy the day
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