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Saturday 9 March 2013

Bieber who is he? & A touching underground story

Back at work in the local Sainsbugs shop now after the excitement of the Ben Nevis climbing and as usual the amusing incidents are trickling in.  A guy came in this morning carrying a loaf he bought the previous day and he had a rather, "hang dog" look on his face.  It was an in house baked loaf that his wife had added to the "shopping list" he had followed the previous day.  What he didn't do though was get it sliced in the shop.  His wife then must have really blown  fuse because she sent him back this morning to get it sliced!!!  

I went up the garden the other day to get something form the shed and passing the pond noticed we had a dead fish on the surface of the pond.  I had been past it earlier and everything seemed fine but this one was definitely a "dead un".  Its a common story to lose fish in spring we lost 1 last spring but we are hoping we don't lose any more this year.
We do seem to have some strange shaped fish!

The Canadian singer, Bieber who doesn't look as if he should be out without his mother seems to be in the news at the moment.  Late for a concert, feeling unwell on stage and now having a go at one of the paparazzi.  Having never ever heard of him until the splashes across the papers I guess its just a publicity thing.  There's no such thing as bad publicity!

The Daily Mail this morning carried a headline that "At last Tories see sense on aid money".  Apparently "aid money" is going to go to UK companies that are investing abroad rather than "corrupt regimes".  - - - Isn't that a bit of a contradiction in terms? 

A nice touching story in the Telegraph tells of a widow who used to go to the "Embankment" underground station to hear her dead husbands voice (he died in 2001) which was used to tell commuters to "Mind the gap" on the PA system.  The recording was eventually phased out but she asked if she could have a copy of the recording.  Not only are the powers that be giving her a CD of the recording but re-instating it on the "Embankment" station. 

"Thousands" of people caught in speed traps on the M42 are not going to have to pay the fines because the "font" on the signs, "may not have complied with traffic regulations".  The story on BBC News   Also go's on to say that even more cases will have to be reconsidered since the signs were first used in 2006.  What a cock up! 

The Daily Express once again warns us that "Big Freeze Blasts Back" but we don't see any of the promised snow around here, could they be wrong again? 

Finally then - - - an amusing pictorial look at what must be the worst jobs in travel  . worth a look if only for the odd smile!

Enjoy the day
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