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Saturday 16 March 2013

Red nose day survived & cats and birds

Once again Red Nose Day pulls out the stops and raises an enormous amount of money which hopefully will be spent wisely!  The tragedy of it though is the never ending list of recipients shown on screen during the show any number of which are now dead!  I was down at Sainsbugs early so missed a lot of the effort but managed to snap these 2 willing participants
Here one of the Grocery colleagues, "lets call him" Glen is trying to staple a red nose to the hat of his outfit.
This one is the commercial manager, "lets call him" Adam in his super hero outfit while another commercial colleague, "Lets call her" Sam looks to be giving dressing up a miss.  I noticed 2 excercise bikes in the foyer as i left so guess they must have been used for fund raising during the day.

The papers to day are their usual mixed bag with the Express headline "Diabetes pill beats cancer" "Life saving tablet costs just 2p a day!"
The picture of a proud soldier L/Cpl James Ashworth looks out at readers having been awarded the Victoria Cross, sadly posthumously for his selfless action in Afghanistan.  You can commend his actions and admire his courage as part of our efforts out there.  On the other side of the coin you really have to ask what good are we really doing by being there? 

The BBC  carry a story about a South African Cardinal who the headline claims, says  "Paedophilia not (a) Criminal Condition"  The text waxes lyrical about problems in and outside of the catholic church but the real point of the sorry tale is in the last paragraph.  A woman, Marie Collins says, "He is totally ignoring the child"  A good point for someone to take on board who was part of the conclave electing the new pope the other day,  Scary!

Our old cat Tom had his yearly jabs at the V-E-T's the other day and we asked if they could determine if he was deaf or not.  We had noticed that he appears not to hear things now and again and hoped the V-E-T could confirm our suspicions.  Expecting some hi-tech bit of kit to be wheeled out it was a surprise when the V-E-T just clapped her hands softly then louder each time until he turned to face her.  "Yes he is a little deaf" she pronounced.  I always chat to him and stroke almost every time I pass by him but from now on I'm going to make sure i "catch his eye first" .

The other cat, Sainsbury has been out of sorts and off his food for a few days and we noticed his inner eyelid (article on this eye lid) showing, so carted him off to the V-E-T.  We think he must have killed and eaten a rodent with some kind of infection which he picked up. 
He hates the trip there and yowls for most of the journey both there and back.  The V-E-T (you don't say vet in front of a cat or they do a runner!) did the usual inspection and pronounced that he had a "squidgy stomach"  2 bits of medicine and £50 later we are home and managed to squirt both potions into his mouth.
The second time we tried at the end of the day everyone got a bit of it as he shook his head at the taste of it!  Happy to say though he's eating now and appears to be getting over the problem.
The night of the V-E-T visit we locked the cat flap to keep an eye on him and he rewarded us by forcing wider the slighlty open bedroom window and jumping down to the ground by way of the front porch roof!

I finally got around to taking out the carpet from the Freelander Phil2 and giving it a good scrub to finally rid the vehicle of the doggy smell. Another task though was to find out where water is getting into the vehicle as the sound deadening material attached to the underside of the carpet is always wet. It rained most of yesterday and last night and I checked this morning, not a damp patch in sight!  

We don't seem to be getting many birds on our normally very busy bird feeders, asking locally some report normal activity while others see a drop off in numbers.  I'll give the feeders a good scrub and refill them today to see if that's part of the problem.

Enjoy the day
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