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Thursday 25 April 2013

Napkin the lamb? & Fizzy drinks are bad for you!

The Daily Express has a good headline today, "Diabetes risk in daily fizzy drinks" with a byline of "Just one can raise chance of the killer condition by 22%" This however could be linked to their headline a few days ago that there's a "Simple test for diabetes" "Thousands of lives could be saves by test"
Seriously though the story is all over the news after "research" in America has revealed that daily sugary fizzy drinks can lead to type 2 diabetes in later life. 

I have mentioned my/our logging activity a number of times in the past but here's a story from that area to make a few, at least g, "Awwwwww".  Our friends Lisa & Jim who own the land on which we get our winter firewood were checking on part of their land when they noticed this pathetic little bundle on the grass. 
On looking at the bundle it turned out to be an emaciated lamb obviously abandoned by the ewe.  They do that if they don't have milk apparently.  The farmer was around and they made him aware of the lambs plight and he said he would put it out of its misery!  No no! declared Lisa and she scooped it up to take it back to their farm. 
Sally received a call later from Lisa declaring that "I'm a Mummy" which unless the "second coming!" had happened, would be a physical impossibility!  The lamb, after initially looking like it might "shuffle off" has responded to Lisa's TLC and is doing well. 
   Here is Napkin! (don't ask!) in "His" pink bed, i think there might be gender issues later!  He has a bottle protruding from the soft toy, Shaun the sheep, hanging from the radiator.  By the way the furry thing in the other bed is their cat which seems unconcerned by the "intruder".  More about Napkin in future blogs!

My number 1 daughter, Caroline has announced she has joined the 21st century by owning a Smartphone - - - the learning curve might be a bumpy road though!

Finally - - - Sainsbury the Tabby seems hell bent on wiping out the local Rabbit population by bringing in his second rabbit of the week this morning.  Turn away if you are squeamish Now! he eats the head, somehow, and leaves the rest for us to clear away.  Within 10 minutes of leaving his latest one he returned with a mouse which he has also abandoned and it is waiting to be disposed of as I type. 
Here is the top hunter!  He doesn't get on with any of the local cats though and will come shooting through the cat flap and hide around your feet with one grey tabby in particular in pursuit, luckily it doesn't come in!

Enjoy the day
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