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Friday 19 April 2013

A challenge or an opportunity? & Whats a humanist?

It looks as if one of the people responsible for the Boston Marathon bombings has been killed and the other, his brother is still on the run.  Interesting that its a couple of brothers maybe some deep seated hatred of USA although it seems to b a mystery to the family of the brothers?  lets hope the other brother is "brought to justice soon!"

The Daily Express as usual was reporting that there was a, "simple test for diabetes" with a by line of Thousands of lives could be saved by test! We'll all be living to 200 years old soon!

I stumbled over the next nugget here's a claim to be able to build super powered batteries using "3D Electrodes".  Its an interesting read but aren't "all" electrodes 3D?????

I receive alerts from the local cops, mainly about the theft of Land Rover Defender doors and bonnets!!!  but one the other day alerted me that it was, "Stalking awareness week!"  Joking apart i guess there's a lot of this "Digital stalking" with unwanted texts and phone calls not nice if you're on the receiving end!

What is Humanist? I never knew until i read a bit more than the article on this link.  I did a little research and found this link, interesting concept, i might join!

Sally had a little wander by the river bank today and the wild Garlic (Ransoms) is really getting its act together since the warm weather finally made an appearance!
It won't be long until the lovely white flowers appear.
Finally - - - For a while now I have been wondering about changing my job at the Salt Mine (local Sainsbugs) I do a 6 shift pattern over 7 days and then have 7 days off.  Fine if it wasn't so physical and lets face it I'm no spring chicken!!!! 
I noticed this morning that there's a 2 day shift and late evening shift job going in the Bakery (I'm attached to it by doing the bought in bread) I talked to my Boss, "lets call her TracEy" and she seemed quite happy to let me swap.  The evening shift she explained is on a Saturday 1800 until 2200.  I didn't catch on when she said she "couldn't get anyone to do Saturday night".  Not being a "Spring Chicken" I'm hardly likely to want to go down the club/disco (do they still have disco's lol) so it suits.
I talked to Sally about it and couldn't quite understand her horrified look until she caught on that the job i was suggesting was for "ME" not "HER".  So having her "Authorised" the idea i will float it with the Boss, "lets call her TracEy" tomorrow.  I'm still wondering if its a "Challenge or Opportunity" maybe that'll come later!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy the day
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