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Thursday 4 April 2013

Towering inferno in Chechnya is gods will! & The boss ticks all the boxes

There's a number of pics resembling the film Towering Inferno in a story on Sky News but the remark by the Chechen President that it was "Gods Will" seems a bit cock eyed!

The Daily Express carries a front page headline that claims a"Cure For High Blood Pressure, Five Easy Steps That Can Beat The Killer"  I guess then the cure they reported in Dec 2012 has tarnished a little!

A rather creepy little story about a Saudi Criminal who is about to be paralysed surgically is covered by Sky News.  The man stabbed "a friend" and paralysed him a number of years ago.  It seems that Sharia Law allows for "an eye for an eye" punishment unless the victim accepts a "Blood Money" demand!

Credit card fraud has taken a new twist in a story on BBC News The story reports that almost any machine where you poke in your credit card is now open to skimming devices.  Parking ticket machines, Pay at the pump petrol stations and rail ticket machines are just a few of the new ways of attacking your plastic. - - - worth a read! 

Back at the Fun Factory (Matlock sainsbugs) its been a busy old time keeping up with the returning shoppers as the weather gets a little better.
One bit of news for my boss, "Lets call her TracEy" she had her annual brow beating session with the store boss, "Lets call him Michael".  He's a bit of a "go getter" and not for nothing does he have "the devils" number, 666 on his car registration!  Anyway it appears TracEy ticked all the boxes and will not be banished to the far flung reaches of the store at Pistol Creaks or some other "punishment posting!" So unless she burns down the store we are likely to have her as Bakery boss for another 12 months.  Better the devil and all that. lol!

Finally - - - It was quite sunny yesterday so we did a little clearing up work in the garden.  I had wondered for a long time how i was going to dispose of my much used (a long time ago) and loved windsurfer.  "Lets make it a garden feature" i suggested to Sally.  Anything to avoid throwing it away in the back of my mind.
So here it is, now mounted behind the tiny greenhouse that has the birdfeeder webcam in it. 
All you can see is a pointed white thing, pity the colours don't show!  We are going to wind up our neighbour John, he of the "tip" to the left of our garden if he ever notices it!
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see our weather website
Or this one just to see the live birdfeeder webcam

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