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Saturday 6 April 2013

Ooops missed the bin man again & dont look if you dont like spiders

I've mentioned before that we have a glittering array of rubbish bins provided graciously by our council who are no doubt getting Euro points or fulfilling some mandarins box ticking exercises somewhere in the euro zone.
Bins for this and bins for that, the confusion (what can you expect at your age!) made me set up an "alert" on my diary to tell me which coloured bin we should be put out and when.  It will however probably come as no surprise that this morning with Tom curled up on my knee and me looking for "blog inspiration" The bin lorry with its flashing lights filled the view from the front window! 

Bugger! missed it again i mused and half arose wondering if i could beat the lorries progress and get the bin down the 2 steps and out to the "designated spot on the edge of your property" as prescribed in Local directive 2, subsection 3, paragraph 2b.  No! i decided and made a note to add the story to the blog.  Lorry still there though  - - - maybe they are taking a break - - - I bet they move off as i get to the door i thought, dumping Tom on the chair as i make a move for the door.

Wrong wrong wrong! is the look Tom gives me as the lorry glides noisily to its next stop along the road and Tom curls up again on my knee!

All this recycling is for nought though according to the Daily Mail this morning who's headline screams "Recycling The Great Con Trick" The detail of the story reveals how our sorted rubbish is being shipped abroad, sometimes as far as China to be put into landfills. - - - All the fault of our politicians - - - - naughty politicians!

Stop! No! Good Boy! What a clever boy! dragged me from the arms of Morpheus last night!  It soon became clear that Sainsbury the Tabby and "Ace Hunter" had yet again dragged in some poor unfortunate creature.  Sally was "The voice" and as I descended the stairs I discerned, clutched to her, it has to be said, "Ample boosooom" a baby rabbit. 

The "Good Boy" reference in the para above is a throw back to not wanting to admonish Sainsbury for "anything" due to the loss of his dear little sister after her being hit by a car.  Sainsbury seems to be well aware of the label of "precious little man" and plays along 100%!

The poor creature was set free at the top of the garden by Sally at 2230, dressed in her PJ's only to be discovered by me under the dining table this morning dead as a door nail!

The mention of China earlier made me remember a story i saw in the Telegraph about Chinese children having to scale ladders up a cliff to get to and from school.  Worth a read unless you belong to the Health and Safety Executive!   

Finally - - - a new species of Tarantula has been discovered in Sri Lanka in the story for some bizarre reason the size of it is likened to "the size of a human face".  This is just to make it a more creepy story i guess -  worth a look just for the pics!

Finally - Finally I joked about a hosepipe ban not long ago amid the downpours and blizzards, the Express carried a headline the other day after some kind of warning of a ban from the water companies "Outrage at new alert"  Outrage? No! - - -  Inevitable? Of course!
Enjoy the day
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