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Tuesday 9 April 2013

Psssst! Wanna buy some Nutella? & Maggie shuffles off

Thieves in Germany stole 5.5 tonnes of Nutella from a parked lorry trailer and police say a similar theft of energy drinks had been stolen from the same location earlier.  Put those 2 together and you would be "going" fast!

The express came out with a headline that "Statins save your life" I seem to remember not long ago "one" newspaper saying they were bad for you - - hey ho.

Judges, yes the people with silly wigs and stuff come in for some Stick in a Telegraph article.  Some of the revelations are pretty startling though when you think these people are directing juries on how they should deliver a verdict on some of their "clients".  Some of the "comments" below the story are priceless though!

I see Maggie Thatcher has shuffled off, like her or hate her she certainly made a difference to our country! - - - me? firmly in the like camp. 

We have had enough of the snow around here and hope its well and truly finished with us until December!  An interesting story though with a pic or two of a couple of pub landlords trapped in their premises makes interesting reading. Sally had lunch with her sister the other day and they had found a small country pub with 10ft drifts still nearby. 

The chilly weather however is set to be with us for another couple of weeks according to the Telegraph story where there are pics of new born lambs with what appear to be jackets on!

I have a day off today before one final shift of my pattern tomorrow.  We are venturing to the wilds of Chesterfield for a little retail therapy before going up to our logging area at a friends farm to try and kick start our logging season!

Finally  - - - I received a few pics from Ginny my "Ice Climbing" partner of the beginning of March the other day.  So here's one of me, with Adam in attendance, learning to arrest a headlong slide down the snow on a mountainside in Glencoe before being let loose on Ben Nevis the following day!
Enjoy the day
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