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Sunday 28 April 2013

Human rights! & dull weather weekend

I see there's a bit of a todo about the RAF flying armed drones from UK bases to be used in Afghanistan.  A guy called Chris Nineham who is the "vice chairman of the stop the war coalition" gets his say in the story carried by sky news.  He calls the war a, "Deeply unpopular war on terror" and also, " They're using them to fight wars behind our backs".  Lets hope he gets some comfort to realise they're actually protecting not only our own soldiers out there but all of us back here.  Join the real world Chris!

One of our learned judges has upheld the "Human Rights" of a drug dealer by letting him stay in the UK.  All this though on top of the fact of the dealer fathering 2 children with 2 different women neither of which he has any contact with now.  He's been here since the year 2000 illegally and no doubt enjoyed our benefit system while hes been busy drug dealing.  Methinks Judge Jonathon Perkins has lost his marbles!

The weather forecast earlier in the week about a cold snap has manifested itself as a windy cloudy weekend.  There was a slight frost yesterday but nothing this morning thankfully all our new plants survived the plummeting temp. So, this morning's task is to go up to the logging area to bring back more wood, and then its going to be a spot of gardening this afternoon before the predicted rain! 
We have a hawthorn tree at the top of the garden and noticed the other day that the leaves have at last appeared, our ageing apple tree alongside looks to be a few days behind it.
  I snapped this pic against a clear blue sky while we were sitting in the sunshine yesterday. 

Finally - - - Our next door neighbour, he of the garden, bought a van not long ago to replace his ageing Safira, and it does look rather smart.  I had tried to sell him Phil2 using the list of "new parts" fitted as bait but to no avail.  Part of my sales patter was "You dont want to be replacing one problem vehicle with another", suggesting that Phil2 wouldn't be a problem.  It looks as if he might have just done that because it failed to start yesterday, sounding as if the battery was on the way out.  Hey ho - - -

Enjoy the day
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