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Wednesday 3 April 2013

End in sight for coldweather & a Weighty problem for Samoans

I didnt touch a PC until around 1930 yesterday! The withdrawal symptoms started around mid-day!

 I was making the usual hasty exit from my previous batch of shifts down at the Fun Factory when my boss, "Lets call her TracEy" sidles up and asks me to work Tuesday rather than start my shift pattern on Thursday.  About to say "No" she hangs out the carrot of "You can swap it for Saturday".  No brainer!

So i worked yesterday, we are still suffering form the "bread overload" of Easter weekend so there was a lot of "overs" bread from previous deliveries to contend with.  I can see heads rolling further up the Sainsbugs chain of command as we finish up almost giving away "Taste the difference" hot cross buns because some "Manderin" flooded the whole country with them! 

Anyway - - -we have good news on the weather front with an apparent warm period on the horizon according to a number of reports.  I noticed that my weather machine recorded +9.9c yesterday afternoon even though we have a frost this morning and its +0.9c just now.

We are used to hearing about wildfires in Australia this time of year but there's an interesting story carried by the BBC about wildfires near the Scottish town of Fort William.  Its day 5 of a battle with heathland fires and one family at least had a nasty scare as the fires approached their house.  Worth a read and some scary pics. 

On an amusing note there's a test to see what Class you come from, also by the Beeb.  No personal info just a few boxes to tick - - - try it

I read the other day that airlines were thinking of charging for tickets by a persons "weight".  Well it looks to be already up and running for one Samoan Airline  "The price" is per Kilo and Its a hit with some people with kids.  Some other, larger Samoans, will not be so happy!

Finally - - We have noticed that a visitor to our birdfeeder is now a bit of a "regular".  A nice looking thrush has for a while been sitting on the perch below the feeders and having a go in at the fat balls in particular.  We have the feeder webcam running on the web server machine most of the time since noticing an absence of birds some time ago.

Last night about 1930 we noticed the bird and i thought it would be nice to get a still pic and post it on the blog.  A reader from Hereford had spotted the bird and e mailed me a "print screen" pic at the moment i sat down to copy it.  So thanks to "Bulmer" of Hereford and here's a copy of his pic.
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see our weather website
Or this one just to see the live birdfeeder webcam

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