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Tuesday 13 September 2016

We move on to North Bay - - - & - - - The Great British Bake Off moves to channel 4

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
 26.7 is probably affected by the fact the cooling fan doesn't start until 12:00 but its still a nice Temp at 11:30 all the same
The weathercam has a great view across the valley this morning with just a small ribbon of cloud in the sky.  The forecast for the rest of the day is for similar weather with not much chance of any rain.  
Moving up to North bay today its about 110 miles so once breakfast is out the way we pack up and go.  The hotel has been fine although the trip-adviser description of "tired" goes for the decor as well as the staff.  Out of 10 i think 6.5 is a generous enough figure, great location though   
 We fill up the jeep which is almost empty for the equivalent of £23.50 !!! then hang around the LCBO (booze shop) to stock up before setting off Sally poses by one of the many coloured bike flower arrangements and strangely enough a huge wooden bear that are around in the Lagoon city area.
 As we trundle along the highway to North Bay at a sedate 90 or 100km there are dead straight bits of it that just disappear over the horizon.  The further north we go the more the terrain gets lumpier than the flat Orillia area
 Arriving in North Bay we spot Churchills which looks like a nice place for lunch.  The waitress is very attentive and goes the extra mile to explain where we should go first to see the best of North Bay
Following the waitresses directions we arrive at a place called the golden mile, free parking!, which is a paved path by the lake and take a stroll along it in the sunshine
Lake Nipissing"looks huge but we read an information board that tells us the Indians call it "Small Water" compared to the great lakes.  We notice that the local signs are in French and English and hear a couple walking past us speaking French.
 We had planned a trip on a similar craft to this but its Fall/Winter timetable means its not running when we are here
Strolling back its time we can book into the hotel, the local travel lodge, First impressions are good and we settle in for the evening.  

One banner headline tells us the Brexit talks are to be secret - - - who cares! as long as they get a move on!  The other tells us Mr C is quitting the Commons, probably for a number of cushy City posts that will net him a measly pension!
The main headline points to the Express having nothing better to report than a health issue.  I see other papers are reporting The Great British Bake Off is moving to Channel 4 Shock Horror ! 

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