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Thursday 15 September 2016

Forest walk turns into a mushroom foray! - - - & - - - Dont use your mobile in the car !

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
No rain blobs on the radar means its looking like the UK will have another hot sunny day
 27.4 at the moment and the cooling fan will be running so what a day!  No rain in the last 24 hours to boot!
A great sunny view across the valley on the weathercam also hints at a great day weatherwise.  The forecast is clear of rain except for a period around 18:00 to 23:59 when metcheck looks at a tiny chance of some light rain
With a note of optimism on a grey clouded morning we scanned the internet looking for things to see here in the North Bay area yesterday morning.  Coming to the conclusion that like Orillia the summer season in North Bay only lasts from July to August we decided to do another walk.
This time it was going to be Laurier Woods bounded one side by the motorway and the city on the other we hadn't realised what a great place it would be until we got there.
Checking carefully the route this time we were on course for a "touch down" first time, thwarted only by the fact that the start point was down Brule road which must be the only road in North Bay that didnt have its name displayed
 Its mainly a wetland area but there are some trails through the woodland as well.  We hoped to spot some mushrooms - - -
 Encountering this "Bee Hotel" it gave us the idea to transform our pile of sticks we call the bug house back home in the garden to something like this next year
 this purported to be a place to see beavers but it was a no show today

A lone coprinus - - - but we were in for a surprise later
 lots of red berries on this bush for the winter birds
Just like the first mushroom we spotted these are a variety of coprinus and they turned out to be almost everywhere
 along the trail

 here the juveniles looking like Coprinus Atrimentarius are just poking out of the leaf litter with the fully grown ones in the background
 stacks of em here!
Sally sets a pace along the trail
 Definitely a boletus and we think its a Bay Boletus under the birch trees
 These have the look of wax caps
This one with its narrow stem and striated edge looks like a washed out Tawny Grissete
No mistaking this deadly poisonous Amanita Virosa better known as the Destroying Angel  check this out for how bad it is .  It can be confused with common mushrooms when its young but only by the foolhardy or ignorant
 Another Aminita could be a Formosa or known as the Yellow Muscaria
 Most definitely the edible and tasty Penny Bun Boletus Edulis

 a carpet of mushrooms in very wet ground
 The weather gets better and its gets warmer as the sun breaks through
Not sue what these are but they could possibly be Wax Caps hiding from the sunshine like this
 We come across a real Beavers Dam!!!!
 Unmistakably a real Beavers Dam but no one at home it seems
 Not quite sure on these might even be young Death Caps
 Definitely a little green frog
 We decide to take an "extra trail"
 Which has a viewing platform
 Amanita Citrina another deadly mushroom
 A tiny fungus growing on some dead tree roots
 We go a little awry following an "extra trail" and finish up lost  or in military jargon misplaced!  Retracing our steps to get on the right track its "all my fault" and even pointing out that it was Sally that was "leading" at the time cuts no ice!
 back on track we see a brilliant example of Amanita Citrina although in this shot the colour looks a little dodgy.  Back at the car we decide to go down to the lakeside
 still very cloudy but there is little or no wind and the lake is becalmed
 wandering into town we spot a farmers market
 the smell of the onions and hot dogs proves too much and we indulge, well we had just been "lost without trace in the wilderness" so al ittle pampering wont go amiss
 stocking up on goodies and booze we go back to the hotel then take one last stroll down the beach before settling in for the evening - - -  This morning dawns sunny so its looking like we will have a good trip down to our friends place in Pembroke.  Staying at the Travel Lodge in North Bay has been a good experience and score out of ten has to be an 8.95 out of 10.  Sadly our visit to North bay has suffered from the in between seasons malady we encountered down at Orillia.  The walks we have done though have been great apart from Sally getting eaten by the bugs yesterday and sporting some impressive itchy lumps this morning - - -

My netbook has been upgraded to the Anniversary edition of Windows 10 overnight and when i started it up there were lots of the usual messages about waiting while the upgrade was fianalised etc.  It eventually returned to normal and seems to be working ok at the moment.  I read somewhere that it might just stop old versions of programmes working but i haven't noticed anything odd yet - - - -

The banners carry another health warning this time about napping in the afternoon giving you diabetes.  And a question about motherhood seemingly for a £1 - - - cant read the detail of that one 
 The Express main headline is indicating the EU has declared war on the UK.  Its hardly a surprise considering we were/are one of their best "customers" - - -
The Mail has the tragic stories of youngsters killed by people using their mobile phones in their cars.  Its about time the users got really stiff fines and or custodial sentences.  As usual the current penalties are more likely not be working because we dont have the people to enforce the laws - - - 

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