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Wednesday 14 September 2016

Sunshine and Waterfalls then a downpour -- - & - - - British Bake off Crumbling

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
22c and very breezy back home and with 7.7mm of rain in the last 24hrs the promised rain looks to have been delivered
The weathercam has what looks like a bit of mist in the valley but i think this could be something over the lens.    i spotted something on it last night .  The forecast for today is sunshine all the way!
Our North Bay day started off sunny and breezy and as forecast ended in a downpour
We decided after breakfast to recce a place for lunch or dinner just along the road and then stroll back down the beach by the lake.
 some of the houses out here are tiny as this example demonstrates
 having recced the food stop we crossed the road and are on the beach
its a bright breezy morning again and i mentioned to the desk clerk at the hotel that i had read it might rain later, he didnt agree - - -
 the houses back right onto the shoreline and this jet ski on its stilts saves dragging it up the beach each time i guess
We set our sights on a place called Duchesney Falls on the North edge of the town and set off along the highway.
The place turns out not to be signed at all and it takes us a good 20 minutes to realise that a small parking area alongside the highway might be the place.  As soon as we get out the vehicle we see the signs for the trails
 We spot the usual "Health and Safety" signs and set off into the forest
 almost immediately we are at a waterfall area
 Its pretty impressive now with not a lot of water flowing down it i can imagine it looks fantastic in spring when the snow melt fills it up.
 Sally pauses on  rock
and then we explore a little further up the river
 through the undergrowth we spot a trail and join it soon seeing a sign indicating a "Lookout" and decide to follow it

we come across a map on a board and study it

The name of the trail up to the look out doesnt put us off but the description of "Very Difficult" makes us retrace our steps to the river 
we pass under some power lines and notice the wood peckers have been at the poles there are holes in both of them
 A Chipmunk darts across the trail in front of us and i manage to snap a couple of shots off.  It doesnt seem too bothered by our presence
 back at the river we cross over an iron bridge and walk down the opposite bank
 There are what looks like good swimming places but the H & S signs indicate "No Swimming"
We have spotted lots of mushrooms on the trails and this one is sitting in the sunshine i reckon its an old Amanita Pantherina
 we finish the walk by collecting some of the various autumn coloured leaves and mushrooms to set as a collage
Driving through North Bay on the way back we walk the Golden Mile and see the cruise boat.  On its side is a message, "Discover Lake Nipissing" i comment that it should also say "But not on Monday or a Tuesday" !
The clouds have been building for a while and we are alternating between sun and cloud as we make it back to the hotel
I look through the window upwind into the lake and can see the rain already marching its way to the shoreline.  In no time at all we are in the middle of a downpour that goes on for some time
The banner indicates the UK has had its hottest day fro 105 years 34.4c in Gravesend 
 The main story has to be that Mel and Sue are quitting the Bake Off prog, because why should MP's get a vote on EU Exit, we the people have already voted to leave!! - - - 
The Mail sounds the death knell for the Bake Off prog and someone in the Govt has at last woken up to the foreign aid budget being a tad too generous at £12bn - - - 

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