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Wednesday 21 September 2016

Kindling and Canyons for us - - - & - - - Foreign Aid to a more deserving cause?

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
 19c and a little breezy back home at the moment, no rain in the last 24hrs though
The weathercam view has a cloudy aspect and the forecast is for it to remain so for the rest of the day.
Another nice day yesterday here in Canada and the only planned activity was a trip to Baron Canyon in Algonquin Park
There was a pile of wood that needed to be turned into kindling so i had a go at that
 The wood was really dry so it wasnt too difficult a job although the small knotty pile on the left resisted all attempts to reduce it in size and was despatched to the normal log store - - -
 quite a pile in there now - - -
 The idea was to pile in under the veranda so first stop was moving it across there

This is about half the completed pile not bad for a an hour or so's work
= = =
Algonquin Park is huge and it takes us a good 45 mins before we reach the entrance.  You pay to enter and the rules are fairly strict about where to stop, no, booze or fires etc
 Sally grabs a guide from the Baron Canyon car park
 Its a short sharp walk up through the forest to the viewing area
 I spot a large Russula mushroom
 This view reminds me of the Symonds Yat view down the River Wye but its much larger
 Dont get too near the edge!
 Its a long way down
 The girls enjoy the seat and the view
 we wander along the edge track looking down into the river and i spot a couple of people in a canoe far below

 great view along the river
 another canoe is spotted
 going back down to the car park i spot a group of Destroying Angel mushrooms

 huge forest
 On the way out we visit Squirrel Rapids - - - No Squirrels no rapids?

We pop over to Pembroke to inspect Sharons handy work on one of her other properties then raid a local Thai takeaway before heading back home for a feast.
Today is our last full day and Sally is making up a proper Cream Tea for a couple of afternoon guests before more guest for an evening Chinese meal.  - - -
The banner has a Celeb flavour to it - - - 
The main story sounds a brilliant idea but will it ever get off the ground? - - -

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