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Monday 26 September 2016

Today will be wet! - - - & - - - Boris says "get a move on!" with Brexit

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
http://www.netweather.tv precipitation display
this large blob on the radar is set to give us a soaking this morning.  It should be with us within the hour i would think
this was the view on the weathercam yesterday during one of the sunny spells
 this morning the Temp is under double figures and the breeze makes it feel cooler than it is.  The Bar Tendency of sunshine is about to change methinks.
The advancing clouds and rain are just visible on the weathercam as the top of the valley rim is getting covered quite quickly now - - - The forecasters are in agreement that predominantly today will be wet! - - -

The supposed Mega Storm touted by the media yesterday has already turned out to be a damp squib. The two storms Karla and Lisa will not join forces and hit us.  As a Met O spokesperson said about the few days of unsettled weather to come, "its just Autumnal weather really"
Yesterday the weather was set to be unpredictable but i had decided to walk up to the nine ladies stone circle 
 Setting off in the sunshine i cross the bridge over the Derwent at Rowsley 
 then the Wye just around the corner.  The river is so low that the water doesn't look to be flowing around the left side of what is normally an island in the river  
 striding along the tarmac track Peak Tor looks to be enjoying the sunshine too 
 quite a way up the hill now and the wooded skyline reveals the stone folly tower on the ridge
 the trees in this copse have only been there a couple of years but they look to be growing well 
 looking back downhill and over to the Chatsworth estate the clouds look to be building 
 clambering up the steepest part of the hill i spot lots of earth balls in the grassy slope 
 finally i reach the folly 
 up at the Nine Ladies stone circle im still in the sunshine but theres the odd drop of rain in the air now as well 
 this group around the information board are having the circle explained to them by a guide 
 back down the hill a little and through the old quarry the sun is about to be swamped by some rain clouds 
 emerging into the open countryside i start to get soaked 
 off to the North its looking like the rain is much heavier 
as the rain eases around me down the valley towards Matlock its not letting up 
 its a handfull of years now since this forest was replanted and the young trees are reaching for the sky, some must be 8 to 10 feet by now 
 back on the tarmac track and i'm in the sunshine again but Chatsworth looks as if its getting soaked 
 there are some lovely autumn colours on the hawthorn hedges
 back along the river and no sign of the rain along here 
 still no movement in the depth of the river - - we need some rain 
I must clip back some of these so i can get my last photo view of the field again 
Taking advantage of the sunshine after the rain yesterday we boldly hang out the washing, fingers crossed against the rain! 
Sitting in the garden sunshine, friends visit and we all watch a cloud with a brief shower appear over the valley and curtail our chatter as we bring in the washing and go indoors.  Two minutes later its all gone and its back to the garden to round off the day.  
Boris's leaning against an open door on this one with me as today's headline insisting that we get on with it ! - - - 

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