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Saturday 3 September 2016

Stand by for the rain later - - - & - - - A day to watch the Vuelta a Spana

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

http://www.netweather.tv precipitation display
Stand by for a Soaking is all i can say this morning.  the line of arrows on the display not only indicate the direction of travel but also how long it has taken for the blob to travel the distance covered by the arrows. (which was a little over 2 hours)  The forecast is for the rain not to reach us until 12:00 but I think that might be wide of the mark unless the blob starts to fragment.
Just about double figures on the Temp now and it felt quite cool a little earlier!  No wind to speak of but that might change when the rain gets nearer 
The weathercam has a pleasant view across the valley just now and there isn't too much cloud about.  It will be interesting to keep an eye out in the direction the camera is pointing as the rain clouds start to arrive later.  The Met O is telling us the rain will only begin around 12:00 While Metcheck goes for 11:00 with the serious rain holding off until about 15:00.
With removing the netbook from the greenhouse and installing it in the house i reflected on putting the software it was using to send the webcam and still photos to the server actually on the server machine.  It took some doing due to conflicts on the server but eventually i managed it.  I did however notice that the still photos did not appear to keep pace with "real time" . I suspect the machine is so old/slow that it does not accept the triggers when each photo is updated.  The webcam also looked like it needed refreshing before it would display real time i'll play around with it this morning and if i can't rectify it I'll fire the netbook back up.
I realised the other day that now i have the IP cameras running on the birdfeeder i can shoo away the magpies and Jackdaws over the speaker that is installed in the camera.  The doorbell is now back where it should be!
The weather was rather unkind for the Chatsworth Show yesterday
 and the Red Arrows display was much tighter over the estate than in previous years
 Our view was restricted to the usual photos of "dots in the sky" lol
Todays show is more than likely to be very wet this afternoon - - - shame 
The Vuelta a Espana leaders rolled in over 30 minutes down on the breakaway yesterday and the reason for this is todays stage 14.  We have been watching almost everyday but i think as the whole stage is being shown this afternoon it might be time for an afternoon in the arm chair!  The usual suspects are leading the race with Quintana,  Froome, Valverde and Chaves to the fore.  It seems impossible that Froome can win after the year he has had but its fingers crossed in this the last week of the race - - -
The profile for todays stage is a scary one at 196 km long and finishing at the top of  the Col d'Aubisque.
The Express banners have free pens and a £5 voucher for "The Fragrance Shop" 
 The main story is of a French pledge to raise the migrant camps at Calais - - - get on with it, its your country do what you like  - - -
 The Mail is celebrating what it calls a Victory over the banning of the plastic beads  included in so many products nowadays.  The Environment Secretary Andrea Leasom is on the case and indicates that the plastic beads will be banned in cosmetic products within months . - - - The real story is a little further down the page when DEFRA (locally known as Destroy Every Farm and Rural Area!) is setting up a "3 month consultation on the banning of the beads in the coming weeks".  A little known fact though is that a patent was granted back in 1972 in the US to include these things in cosmetics.  Imagine how many of these things have been flushed into the environment since then - - - mind boggling - - - makes the plastic bag problem seem like small beer 
The Daily Star makes an annual event seem like a disaster.  The usual migration for the "Giant Cannibal" spiders is nothing new this story from the Mail and the Express covered it a few days ago as well

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