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Monday 12 September 2016

Orillia is closed on Sunday - - - & - - - Summer weather comes to an end says the Express

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

 Quite warm at 20c back home and no rain recorded in the last 24hrs
it looked very sunny about an hour ago but the clouds look to have thickened quite considerably.  The forecast is indicating it might rain at anytime this afternoon
Our plans for yesterday were dealt a blow right from the word go.  We had the idea that we would spend the morning wandering around Orillia after visiting the Leacroft Museum, which is by the lakeside.  The internet information indicated that it was open on a Sunday.  
Forgetting my camera !!!! the museum car park was almost empty and a sign on the door of the museum spelt out why, "Closed on Sunday".  
Undeterred we wandered around a little forest in its grounds admiring the numerous red and yellow Russula fungi 

photo from the internet 
wandering up into town it was a similar story almost nothing open and the bars and eateries were another hour from even pulling down the shutters.  Raiding a local supermarket by the lakeside we stocked up with lunch goodies and went back to the hotel 
right by the hotel is the entrance to the lake and because it is so shallow these burms had been laid and we walked along them armed with food and cold beer 
 It was a gloriously sunny day but the strong breeze had a bit of a cold edge to it so we sat on the lee side of the burm  
 Sally studies the technique of the many kite surfers out in the shallow lagoon.  The views out into Lake Simcoe were great 

 a couple of hours later and suffering "numb bum" because of sitting on the rocks we wandered back to the hotel grounds.  This pine tree had huge bottle brush type fronds that were quite soft to touch unlike our prickly pines back home 
This morning is another clear day 
and i caught the mist clearing off the river not long ago.  We are travelling up to North Bay a little over 100 miles to the north today and have just found out some of the things we wanted to do/see up there are also closed! - - - 

The banners have what must be another irritating fall out of migration into the UK.  It beggars belief but other traditions have been stamped on for the sake of "not upsetting certain minorities".  I must mention the fact that the Red Cross shops have not put up Christmas decorations for years now for the reason in quotes above  ! - - - 
The main headline is about the weather and stories about it reckon the UK might get 32c this week, so it must be a bit of a slack news day i fear - - - 

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