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Saturday 17 September 2016

On towards Pembroke - - - & - - - Cutting it

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
 back home its nearly 20c and breezy
The weathercam shows the sun heading for the rim of the valley and its been a no rain day, unlike here in Pembroke where its dull and has rained although at the moment it does look to be clearing a little
Its 2 days since we moved down from North Bay and the trip down was quite good.  We had plenty of time and wandered off the route a couple of times 
 The day dawned still and sunny so after packing we did a last wander along the beach 
As usual the roads were packed! lol.  We took it easy not intending to meet our friend until she finished work in the afternoon.  
pulling off the main highway we turned up outside the Mattawa Museum expecting as usual for it to be closed.  Wrong! it was open and we spent an hour wandering around what was the site of a Hudsons Bay trading post.  
 Time for a bit of lunch and we sat by the river large enough that i thought it was a lake at first and ate sandwiches and the gulls soon started to come around.  I threw a few bits into the river then heard a metallic clanking sound above my head   
 looking up the aluminium flag pole a magnificent Eagle had landed on top of it surveying the gulls and the possibility of food 
 Try as i did i could not get him to come down off the flag pole and after taking a short video of him he flew away 
 Stopping at a signed picnic spot the facilities for picnicking were good by a small lake 
I sat watching a Grey Heron on the other side of the lake with my binos for a while as it fished for its lunch 
Visiting the loos on site was not a pleasant experience as they looked to go straight into the ground, stank and the flies were having a field day 
We arrive in Pembroke at our friends house after meeting her from work 
 I had volunteered ages ago to do some "Cutting It" and turn some fallen trees on our friends land into firewood for the winter and an electric log splitter had been purchased.  This was duly unpacked and i set to work on the pile by the machine. I had mentioned buying a splitting maul and after a couple of false starts at shops we finally picked one up at the B & Q copy shop - - - 
 I saw bunches of pine nuts falling to the ground near where i was working and in the end discovered this red squirrel up in the tree throwing them down to the ground.  During one of our shopping trips all the downed nuts were cleared away 
 Sharon's plot of land for the house is 3 acres by 3 acres.  To give us an idea of how big that is we walked to her bottom boundary form her front drive (arrowed)
 the boundary marker by the road is red tape and she assured us that 3 acres into the woods there is another one marking her other boundary.  The whole property is covered in black and white pine trees as well as a variety of deciduous, mainly birch and maple. 
fully  covered with the mossy repellent, the bugs here are tenacious in their endevours to zap you.  
Telling Sharon about the designs of the stashes back home i decide to build one for her hopefully by the time i finish this will be a round pile.  
Guests start to arrive, most we know and we settle in to a barbecue and sit around the fire pit into the night - - - 

A bit late in the day for this but the banners have free kids cinema tickets and cake utensils!  
 The main headline is still bleating about the need for a quick EU exit.  Preaching to the converted there i fear - - - 
Great idea in the front page story in the Mail i wonder if it will ever become law and be enforced?  - - - 

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