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Friday 30 September 2016

Forecasters not agreeing about today's weather - - - & - - - Dementia deaths rise - - -

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
http://www.netweather.tv precipitation display
The rain radar display is showing us clear at the moment but the blobs appear to be heading our way
 Its a little cooler than yesterday and there isn't any breeze at the moment
The weathercam shows the sky to be almost clear, just a hint of cloud appearing over the valley top - - -
The forecasters are once again diametrically opposed to each other.  Metcheck are counting on it being sunny all day with very little or no rain .  The Met O is signalling a "Heavy shower Day" from 09:00 to 15:00 then a "Light Shower Day"  from 15:00 to 18:00 - - - take your pick!  I reckon we might have the sunny prediction but those blobs on the radar could either develop or pass us by - - - 
With the possibility of some rain we decided to do a short walk yesterday so it was down the cycle path to the railway signal then back along the fields and river path
 The Nine Ladies hillside is still managing to resist changing to the Autumn Colours
 There is a Buzzard being harassed by a crow somewhere in the photo!  We did however notice that a significant number of house martins were still wheeling above the river trees.  I had imagined that they would all have headed South by now.  Another sign of the climate changing!

 The clouds off to the North have a few that could have rain in amongst them
 Across the river looking up to the Nine Ladies hill its a sunny breezy aspect
 The tree in the river is still managing to hang onto the bank and growing i wonder if the winter weather will manage to wrench it form the bank
 One last look South before we end the walk - - - its time for lunch out methinks
Up at the Grouse with its couple of feet higher elevation than our house the wind has a keen edge to it.  We opt to eat outside but everytime the sun disappears behind the clouds its cold! we scurry inside to eat. - - -

In the banners is an offer of meat feasts for £5 and a reminder the paper has a free Ryder Cup pull out 
The main story is back on the Express health kick and is a report about  the rising number of deaths in dementia patients

Thursday 29 September 2016

The river view returns - - - & - - - Worth every penny- - ! - - ?

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
http://www.netweather.tv precipitation display
Scotland had a lot of rain yesterday and it looks to be still get some this morning on the Netweather.TV display .  The current local situation is that the band of rain has passed and its direction of travel is East and sinking South.  More rain looks to be appearing over NI and that should reach us later in the day  - - -
Very warm this morning at 15.3c another figure to boost the average Temp stats for September.

06:50 now and light enough for a weathercam shot 
The weathercam  sky view is not looking too bad at the moment some cloud moving our way but clear overhead at present, quite breezy just now.
  Todays forecast looks as if the agencies are a little confused about whats happening, Metcheck says the top Temp will only be 15c and no rain its raining right now.  The Met O also has a low precipitation probability right now with sunny intervals until a light shower around 18:00. I reckon its going to be mild breezy and the current band of rain is just about finished with us. We should then get a day with some sunshine but showers are likely.
 The weather yesterday stood the test of the forecast by remaining dry and with a fair amount of sunshine.  My trip out into the garden at 08:00 to feed the fish and birds produced this great view over the laurels and across the valley
The last photo i take on many of my local walks is across the river from the top of a small stair case leading down to an underground outfall of a watercourse into the river.  I used the view for a time lapse project i did some years ago.  The view from the top of the stairs has however, over time has got to be a little overgrown. So yesterday armed with secateurs and a small saw i decided to remedy the situation
I might take down more of the stuff on the left once the leaves have fallen - - - we'll see - - -
Sir Cliff hits the banners along with a free book
Following the rule that "in time everything you put in your mouth is bad for you" a personal opinion you understand! The Express this morning has on its front page a story indicating that Ibuprofen is linked to an increased risk of heart failure - - - The Ex England football manager appears on the front page jetting off to Spain to escape the publicity.  It is rumoured that the FA gave him a £1m leaving present!!!!! - - -
This Sky News story indicates that Brexit planning may cost £65m a year - - - Worth every penny 

Something i have blogged before but never understood is the Rosetta spacecraft project 
The project is to crash the Rosetta craft into the comet it sent Philae down to some time ago.  An action that did not go to plan.  The Project has reportedly cost £1bn - - -  worth every penny? 

Wednesday 28 September 2016

The Met O gives the "kiss of death" to a mild winter! - - - & - - - Wells Fargo bank boss has to give up his $41m bonus - - -

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
http://www.netweather.tv precipitation display
Locally on the radar its not looking too bad but there's an ominous blob of light rain appearing out to the west that might develop into something as it approaches
 We have another mild Temp start to the day with just the hint of a breeze which should freshen a bit as the day goes on
looking just S of West the weather cam is reflecting the "red sky in the morning shepherds warning" which is appearing off in the Eastern sky this morning.  The forecast today is for a cloudy breezy day with little chance opf any significant rain.
This Daily Mail story is trying to convince us that Now its HOT-ober as they indicate we are in for an Indian Summer next week with Temps above 20c - - - Mmmmmmm
On the other side of the weather coin we have Exacta Weather now there's a contradiction in terms! indicating we might have a period of four months of severe wintery weather between November and February.  The Met O man doesnt agree and is quoted as saying "all signals seem to be a very average winter. It is looking pretty average" Now there's the Kiss of Death for a mild winter! 
With the weather rather dull yesterday we walked the cycle path up the River short way before returning along the bank
 On the way back down the river the view of to the NW looked a little grey
 a little further down it was less so but looking like it might rain any moment
Once again the river level is very low 
later as the as the sun had just left the valley it looked a little brighter with some of the cloud breaking up.


Camping holidays at 20% off and Top Gear drives for a fiver in the banners this morning 
The main story has to be the sacking of the latest England football manager - - - What a disgrace and without tarring everyone with the same brush you have to ask is this the true face of football? 
The main headline however seeks to expose the pathetic state of the Asylum situation is GB
Over the pond there's trouble at Well Fargo Bank as Chief Exec John Stumpf  (!) has to give up his bonus of $41m over alleged account and credit card scams by the bank - - -  $41m bonus! whats his wage then? 

Nearer home, in Nottingham a campaign to highlight the problems of giving money to beggars is branded "reinforcing negative stereotypes" by the advertising standards agency - - - 

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Bookwork yesterday in the rain - - - & - - - Labour manifesto is paraded - - -

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
http://www.netweather.tv precipitation display
Scotland looks to be in for a soggy morning at least during today.  Locally its looking like we might get the odd shower but nothing like yesterdays terminal light rain
12.3 c already this morning but there's a breeze which i think might freshen through the day. The last 24hrs rain of 4.1 is getting on the normal side for Autumnal weather i guess.  The Met O is suggesting that this morning might be wet but the afternoon has a chance of brightening a little.  Metcheck look at the a.m. the same but although suggesting the cloud might thin a little they still advocate rain in the afternoon

Weathercam view at 07:20
A little dull and grey on the weathercam view with a stiff breeze blowing

 With the weather set to be wet yesterday i worked on my book for most of it apart from a brief period in the greenhouse at the top of the garden.  
this was the view on the weathercam for most of the day - - not really one for being out and about.

LM is getting back into his usual nighttime routine again with two mice for snacks during last night!
The banners has a soup for everyday and a free health lotter ticket 
 The main headlines are of Armold Palmers death and a quote that the UK will thrive out of the EU - - - so what are we waiting for 
The i displays the labour manifesto which wants to give a £10 minimum wage and more power to the unions. 
 The Mail says Labour is in in La La Land - - - 