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Tuesday 30 September 2014

Spider story again & walk doesn't go to plan

Normally headline grabbers these spider stories. This one though reads like a nightmare.  The lady had to have a finger amputated after being bitten by a False Widow spider while in a park in Sunderland.  She finished up with a flesh eating bug which in the end meant having her finger amputated.
"Close to death" claims the story, although at the end of the article there's a bit about "generally the symptoms are no worse than a bee or wasp sting - - -

Looks like all the fancy toothpastes and mouthwashes should be hanging their heads in shame after this set of figures.  Mind you there's a saying about "survey's" that you can make the results say anything you want isn't there?  Out of 54,000 youngsters checked over 12% had some form of tooth decay . All this is smoke and mirrors though as the finger is resolutely pointed throughout the story at? - - - Parents & Carers! giving kids sugary food and drinks - - -

A new/ish social media site "Ello" invented by Paul Budnitz, a bike shop owner from Vermont is being branded in this story as anti facebook which it isn't according to the founder.
Originally designed for his own friends the site calins not to have adverts or sell your data!  Its already had an attack from the "hackers" so it might just succeed.  take a look  - - -

I wondered recently having noticed what looked like new BT cabinets springing up by the roadside what they were for.  They carry a sticker bleating on about Broadband so here's what its all about super fats braodband at up to 1Gb using fibre and then up your copper phone line.  There's mention of the "commercial equipment" being "available" from manufacturers by 2015 but no role out dates as yet - - -

Closer to home
So one week into the Autumnal Equinox and the usual high winds and rain are lining up for a go at the UK.  As usual though the forecasters are hedging their bets by not committing to mild or mighty in thier predictions for the coming 4 or 5 weeks - - - bring it on i say!

We decided to recce a walk in the area of one of our favourite local villages Sheldon.  Having studied the map for a likely route i promptly left it on the dining table as we left for the village.  Nil desperandum "its all up here" as i tapped my tapped my head Sally smiled that "knowing smile"
Sure enough we tramped down the narrow footpath between the limestone walls route and it joined an ancient trackway at the appointed place.
Some way on i became a little concerned because we seemed to be getting too far away from a large farm/house where I imagined the track to take us back into the village.  We then came up against a "no entry" sign leading up another ancient trackway and had to re-trace our steps.
On studying the map back at home we had gone the right way but my assumption about using the last ancient trackway had been incorrect - - - trying desperately to point out that "i wasn't wrong" i again got the "knowing smile" - - - hey ho - - - note to self do recce's on own in future - - -

Sad to relay that another ex army mate from my time in Germany has bitten the dust.  His name was Geordie Monkhouse, he was a small bloke with a huge character, great football player,
  I have precious few pics of my time there,
Grainy as this old B & W is its easy to spot him in the back row.  RIP Geordie - - -

Back to the old hospital early tomorrow it will be interesting to see what they think of my operation scar it looking a little ragged
The bit just down from my thumb joint was looking decidedly weepy the other day but it looks to be settling down now - - -

Enjoy the day
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