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Tuesday 23 September 2014

Tesco wo's & In house Spider alert

Something not quite right at Tesco with the cock up in profit reporting having hit the headlines not long ago questions are being asked about the "boys at the top" one of whom left only last week.  After resigning in April Mcllwee stays on another 6 months - - - now there's something not right there.  Could be fun following this one - - -

Big Ed has a Plan "Give me a decade to fix the UK" shouts the headline.  The main points of "the plan" make sense as do most of "the plans" these politicians come up with.  The reasons why the plan didnt work in 10 years time would be pure 20 20 hindsight though - - -

No not a story about hairy cows but a load of old rubbish "old Rubbish" being the operative.  The cows in the pic are seen in a video trampling down rubbish tipped illegally.  a "concerned resident" voices his disgust at the length of time it took to stop the illegal dumping.  The perpetrator gets 18 moths inside however he will probably get time off for good behaviour so he will be out soon to count his profits! - - -

UKIP's opening gambit for the upcoming election looks to be abolishing inheritance-tax according to the Express front page.  I wonder if "they" have anything for the average voter though - - -

Closer to home
We have a Nuthatch visitor to the seed feeders regularly now it has a habit of hanging onto the nut feeder and reaching in to get at the sunflower seeds.  Apparently male birds have darker red on their flanks so at the moment we are undecided as to what sex it is.
The visit to the hospital yesterday revealed just over 20 stitches. The idea of not having a straight line cut is that it heals better - - - i was fitted with a splint to wear at night for 6 months! and given a set of exercises to do 8 times a day - - - Back again next Wed to have the stitches out.

Giant spiders to invade UK homes  went the story only a day or so ago, all being blamed on the recent warm weather leaving us.  While watching TV last night i noticed what i though was one of Little Mans escapee mice moving across the floor.  On closer inspection it was a huge spider which evaded my attempts to snap a pic - - - maybe get one today?  - - -

Out to lunch today and back to the book for me

Enjoy the day
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