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Wednesday 24 September 2014

Cox's Multiverse? & Flu jab time

Brian Cox, you know the bloke on the TV who can explain scientific stuff that we all understand.  Well this BBC Article is pushing the bounds of my "cognisance" had to look that one up lol .  Its all about an interpretation of  Quantum mechanics a subject that might take a bit of thought - - -
The bit that caught my eye was the pic of the cat at left apparently shut inside a box which is about an experiment by a bloke called Schrodinger  - - the article says "when you open the box with Schrodingers cat inside it emerges dead or alive, not both", well yes!  - - -  This instantly reminded me of the magician Tommy Cooper opening the box and saying "cat - box - box cat" and giving his "knowing look to the camera.  - - - More Tommy Cooper jokes they might make more sense than the above article - - -

This article is entitled eight-headaches-for-supermarket-giant-tesco and the points raised are absolute "gems" if you are thinking of starting a business.  A poignant phrase might be "slowly slowly catchy monkey" a phrase which Tesco should have heeded before it took on its quest for almost "world domination".  One point raised though is the "first fall in profits for 19 years reported in 2013" quote which was almost mirrored by Sainsbury although their "fall period" was only 10.  - - - the Sainsbury's CEO old "Justin King" retired just in time! - - -

indian-space-race-boost-as-satellite-orbits-mars  So thats it then an Indian satellite joins ones from the US EU and Russian bits of junk orbiting around Mars.
Its ok though because the mission has "been lauded for its low price tag of $74 million" - - - bargain! - - -

Closer to home
The scudding clouds made for a less than sunny lunch at our favourite spot yesterday.  We braved the cool temperature outside when may others tried it then went inside.  Today the rain has already visited us but its clearing a little now.  Cant wait for the Autumn winds to begin - - always so dramatic!

The local med Centre had a Flu jab afternoon so I was delivered by Sally after lunch for the annual freebie.  They are so efficient in the centre, I was in jabbed and out almost before the car was parked!
I was e mailed this pic of the resident lesser spotted woodpecker yesterday, it visits quite often. We noticed yesterday that a large number of coal tits are using the feeders just now.

Enjoy the day
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