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Thursday 25 September 2014

Mystery con trail & ebay feedback hassle

this strange con trail was spotted over Hampshire and photographed.  It looks as if the pilot was trying to amuse people below!  - - - suggestions are that a UFO had been seen in the area not long before and the pilot saw it and took evasive action - - -

Technology buffs will love this story  street light which brighten if there's a disturbance below, rubbish bins that have sensors to tell the bin man they are full, and app that lets kids report dangers on their route to school - - -
It all sounds a bit too much "big brother" but most of it makes sense - - - worth a read - - -

As usual with the introduction of the iphone 6 and 6s people are throwing rocks both at the OS and the phone.
This amusing video  by a BBC reporter doesnt agree with reports that the phone is prone to bending!  other reports and pics show very sorry looking iphones.  - - -

Its not easy to be overweight and on benefits says the headline to this story from the Mail - - - looks like it is to me? - - -
This lady wants more benefits because she cant afford to buy healthy food or buy Gym membership - - -
Does someone really have a job where they go and find this type of news? - - -

The express stokes up the fire of discontent with our migrant policy

Whereas the Star reports the death of a Brit Jihadist.  Reading the story in other sources his mother blames the authorities at his point of departure for letting him leave the country some time ago - - - ?! - - -

The Telegraph reports that Prince Charles is mourning the death of the Dowager Duchess of Devonshire who dies yeaterday.
She was always around Chatsworth House chatting to visitors when her husband was alive and i met her a couple of times while I stacking bread down at Sainsbugs when she shopped there- - - wonderful old girl - - RIP Debo

Closer to home
Ebay feedback is getting a bit up my nose this morning.  I recently bought an IP camera to add to my growing collection and it was advertised as being an "outdoor webcam"  It arrived safely all the way from China but alas turned out to be an "Indoor variety".  I blogged about "something lost in translation" almost 2 weeks ago.
I left negative feedback indicating the description was in error.  I was offered £6 by way of a bribe if i would remove the feedback.  My initial outlay was small so i'm prepared to write it off and i dont think my comment will harm the suppliers rating.  - - -

The hand is progressing well although the physio exercises are opening up the incision a little so I'm toning down the 8 sessions day which was the instruction
One of my daily weather check (geek! i know!) websites is in Finland has Snow today which is a full month earlier than normal - - - stand by for a cold winter maybe?

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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