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Tuesday 2 September 2014

Volcano day & a little logging

Dotted around the various media are pics and videos of volcano's so I think I shall declare that today is "Volcano Day"
This one is in Papaua New Guinea on the island of New Britain
great pics  - - -

This one looks more like your "standard volcano and is in Ecuador way up in the Andes.  Its called Tungurauha which means "Throat of fire"  very apt - - - Ash from the volcano is being thrown 28,000feet  into the air apparently - - -

paling into insignificance by comparison is the Icelandic volcano we in UK and Europe have heard so much about.  The story id 2 days old actually so maybe its a bit of a "slow day" at "Sky news"

The Express can always be relied upon to print a good "fairy story" for public consumption.  The message looks to be, Don't blow us up its against the law - - -

While the Saudis look set for trouble with a "proposal" to move Mohamed's tomb - - -

Up in what might become a foreign country soon!!  Scotland has reported the Return of the water vole to its RSPB, might that be the SSPB soon? site in Strathspey.  Cute pic or what? - - -

Closer to home
Its definitely looking like a bit of logging might be on the cards this morning
 The view earlier from the top of the garden looked pretty good and the weather man says its going to be a sunny day.
I spotted "little man" however who looked to be concentrating on maybe having one of our feathered friends for breakfast.  Here he is looking intently to the ground below the birdfeeders

Enjoy the day
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