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Sunday 21 September 2014

No driving test in Mexico city & L M fighting

Here's an amusing story about how to get a driving licence in Mexico City  Reported to have the longest traffic jams in the world reaching a total length of 183 miles on a bad day.  You don't do any driving to be able to get a licence - - - stop signs at junctions are considered "friendly advice" rather than strict instructions - - -

Good old Ed is promising a minimum wage of £8 an hour if we all vote for him in the next election - - - makes me wonder if he has worked out where it would be coming from! - - -

Here are some great videos  from a base jumping competition in China - - - worth a look

Here's a story which once again proves you can fool some of the people all of the time a hoax on the net calims the iphone 6 can be charged by putting it in a Microwave oven - - - some people even tried it!  on the link if you scroll down to some of the comments you see a video showing what will really happens! - - -

Closer to home
I'm going great guns with the book spending quite a time yesterday thumping away at the keys, I reached page 200!  I hope its not too much of a tome when its finished.  I have a large number of pics to insert and old friends keep sending me more. It might be an idea just to have a photographic record as well mmmm - - -

Little Man (Sainsbury the cat) had a hell of a fight out the back of the house yesterday morning.  I was just contemplating getting up and heard the racket.  Looking through the window I could just see the 2 of them heading off down the side of the end terrace house.
On looking outside there was white fur clumps all over the place so for once i think he must have come out on top.  He came in not long after and didn't look any the worse for the altercation.
here he is this morning on "mouse" patrol
An almost clear sky has meant its quite cool this morning so its time for a brisk walk before getting back to the book - - -
Enjoy the day
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