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Thursday 4 September 2014

Philanthropist of the year - Tony Blair & Cat and kitten bad news

Tony Blair - Philanthropist of the year!!!!!


Road rage with a difference   the video looks hilarious unless you are on the end of the beating of course.  A group of people leap out of a vehicle dressed as kids TV characters and a fight develops - - -

Ricky Gervais  tweeted about the recent spate of nude celebrity pics hacked onto the net.  He advised them that the best way to stop hackers getting nude photo's of them would be not to have nude photo's on their computers.  He later backtracked because if the "hoo ha" his comments caused - - - is it me? why do so many celebs have nude pics of themselves on their computers? - - -

Here's a great fairy story   The Metro reports that the UK is about to have above average temperatures for the next 3 months.  Its all a matter of percentages in the story from the Met Office.  The funny bit for me is the fact that the forecasts are generally so wrong that it seems strange the Met Office should be issuing such a story about the weather right up until the end of November - - - The last line of the story once again says "it all" "Its not going to be wall to wall sunshine but where there are sunny spells its going to feel pretty warm"  Now there's a revelation! - - -

There has been a lot of coverage about the EU banning our high powered Vacuum Cleaners.  The Express now informs us that "they" are after our high powered kettles now!  - - - what next !

Closer to home
Number 1 Daughter (the elder) gets 2 kittens from the local shelter and promptly has a problem.  A couple of days after they arrive and spend their time running around like kittens do they fall ill.  High temperatures and not eating.  After a £95 visit to the vets and jabs etc it looks like they will be OK but it was touch and go for a while .

I heard Sally exclaim that there was a Cat laying in the road the other morning and feared the worst.   It was about 0600 so there wasn't much traffic about and I rushed out to see the cat obviously dead still in the road.  As i got near to it i realised it wasn't "Little Man" - - sigh of relief.  I recognised the cat though as one who wandered around our garden sometimes and picked it up placing at the bottom of the ramp which leads up behind our terrace.  No-one had picked it up by this morning so a neighbour buried it in the kitchen garden - - - shame - - -

I logged a little the other day but the fall out from a stiff neck made me curtail the exercise quite quickly
I had chopped down this rather tangled hawthorn some time ago and took the time to reduce it to firewood
So here it is 4 bags of firewood (for Number 1 Daughter the elder) and a pile of brashings.

Enjoy the day
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