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Monday 22 September 2014

Mars spacecraft success & walk pics

News that NASA's Mars spacecraft MAVEN has adopted an orbit around the planet has to be applauded.  442 million miles is a staggering distance to travel and be at the right place at the right time to achieve the orbit operation
All this is tongue in cheek for me though - - - The spacecraft is called MAVEN which Nasa says stands for "Martian Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution".  Sorry cant quite see how they arrive at that nor understand what it means.  My take on the name is More A Very Expensive Nonsense - - -

Peanut allergies  is the subject of this story and as serious as the problem must be for people its the poor old lab mice who are taking it in the neck here - - - It appears that the roasted variety are more likely to cause an allergic reaction to lab mice.  The mice are exposed to the peanut proteins through their skin and stomach and the ones given the roasted protein had a "much stronger immune response"   the story says "much more work is needed before humans should consider swapping form roasted to raw nuts though"  - - - hey ho all in the name of progress - - -

The film Towering Inferno springs to mind when you look atthius story of a  Tower block fire  in Russia.  The video dramatically show what appear to be vain efforts to put out the fire.  The report indicates there were no fatalities - - -

The Express gives us a headline of "Summer to last another month" and although it doesn't feel like it this morning with a 2.6c temperature right now other media stories support the fact that it might be "a warmer than normal month ahead" - - -

Closer to home
After a few days of haze and mist in the valley yesterday proved to be a crystal clear morning so I went for a short walk before getting back to the book
The East facing hillside was bathed in sunshine and showing off the Autumn colours quite well
getting a little closer the colours get a bit deeper
The lack of any significant rainfall makes for a lazy flowing river and good reflection pics
And another 
Its taken Little Man almost 10 months to jump up onto the old rocking chair where old Tom breathed his last and he still looks a little apprehensive in this pic.  Hes curled up asleep on it right now - - -
Hes had a bit of a rough night though, I heard some whailing which normally means he's caught some poor creature and came down to check on him at around 0230.
It looked as if he had disgorged the full contents of his stomach onto the wooden floor and then legged it outside through the cat flap.
 Strewn around were bits of cat biscuit and small pools of "brown stuff" and in one pile it was easy to make out almost a whole mouse! - - - ah well its about time the floor was scrubbed anyway - - -

I have to go back to the hospital this p.m. for my hand to be checked so is full steam this morning to get some book done - - - after the floor scrubbing!

Enjoy the day
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