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Tuesday 16 September 2014

Yes or No thanks - - how polite! & some book work

One of the pics in this story shows hands brandishing the banners of "Yes" and No thanks" on the question of Scots Independence -  - - how polite  i thought!  The debate is still raging and this story looks towards Westminster giving the Scots more power if they stay in the union which is roundly dismissed by the "Yes" campaigners - - -

This appalling story about 8 slaves being rescued from a caravan site is a repeat of a similar raid on the same site! in 2011.  The site is near Leighton Buzzard down a lane aptly named "Gypsy Lane" - - -
Once again there's a one liner at the end which makes you wonder?  we actually have a national helpline where people can report incidents of Slavery! - - -

Hurricane Odile down in Mexico washed this boat up the highstreet of Sabo Can Lucas although the locals seemed more intent on looting the local stores at the time, see pics in story.   No doubt we might feel the sting in its tail as it washes across the Atlantic, mind you this is after another tropical storm which is already approaching!  - - -

The Express though reminds us of the Hiroshima atom bomb anniversary approaching as well as the disturbing story of the 2 young Brits killed on a beach in Thailand - so sad.
True to form though and reaching into the realm of ridiculousness is the main story telling us full fat cream and milk are now good for us - - -

Closer to home
Our weather couldn't make its mind up yesterday, rain or no rain, but i had already determined to have a go at my book and spent the best part of 6 hours putting relevant points in order and eventually adding a few pages to the manuscipt.
Around 1600 i decided to go for a short walk and sure enough as i stepped out light rain began to fall!
Down by the river looking NW the leaves on the tree in the foreground are definitely pointing the way to Autumn.
A little further on and the view S down the valley also has a hint of Autumn.
At the highest elevation of the walk looking N towards Bakewell the Autumnal signs are everywhere.

I noticed the other day when i was logging that the Swallows are no longer around and was told they had left some time ago.  Normally they are around until the end of September- - - maybe they know something we dont?
Here's a pic i took in December 2013 of a lovely holly tree on my logging site which was covered in berries - - - this year? not a berry in sight!  - - -

Some follow up on the "non waterproof" Webcam i purchased.  After leaving less than glowing "Feedback" commenting solely on the "outdoor" description being totally wrong, i receive an em ail from the suppliers asking "We are so sorry to receive the negative feedback from you. Do you mean the item is broken and useless for you? - - - I'm at a loss to understand which bit of my feedback about it not being an outdoor camera they dont get - - - non communication could last a while methinks - - -

Enjoy the day
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Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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