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Monday 29 September 2014

Volcano deaths in Japan & garden antics

Disaster on a Japanese Volcano as at least 30 are dead when a "tourist attraction" volcano erupts without warning.  The picture has a snowy look about it but this is just a layer of ash after the volcano erupted.  There were 100's of hikers on the mountain at the time of the eruption so its amazing how few casualties are reported - - -

The Hong Kong pro-democracy movement had a good weekend in the city. Riot police are eventually deployed even though the huge crowds appeared non violent.  The Kowloon district of Mongkok also appears to have had its own demo although it seems to have been less of a problem to the authorities - - - makes you wonder where this is going to go, you cant imagine the mainland Chinese bosses wanting to let Hong Kong residents too far off the leash so to speak? - - -

The bloke in the pic wont be getting ups Employee of the month award more like dope of the month after slipping a package containing a $160k diamond into his pocket while unloading a plane at Phoenix Arizona.  He later exchanged the gem for £20 worth od cannabis - - - "who says Cannabis doesn't cloud your judgement?"  - - -

Not being a fan of the "bag of bats" following. I'm more a supporter of "spoils a good walk" - - - That said the European team scored what looks like a resounding victory  - - -

Closer to home
A pleasant sunny afternoon meant we sat in the garden enjoying a glass of vino and Little Man joined us.
He first adopted a "look at me aren't i appealing" pose
followed shortly afterwards by "I'll sit almost hiding in amongst the plants" for a while
The call of nature however made him hop on top of a pot cleared of plants and have a pee! Such a look of concentration- - -
You know what its like when you've had something for years (since the 80's) and you just cant let it go!  I finally decided that my old Mistral Malibu windsurfer was getting too much in the way so decided to saw it in half! I'll bury just the wide bit and hopefully make an amusing "feature" in the garden.
 The other half is ready to go over the recycling dump  I wonder which section it will go in?  The old sail in the background has been utilised for a while in keeping the wood dry and once the frosts arrive covering Cyril's windscreen.
  With "retirement" looming next year one of my tasks is to be looking after the garden.  I have already got designs of a few changes but some of them are a "little changing" - - -
One of my ideas is to "open up" the bottom of the garden to give more of a view to the top as you come through the gate.  So here i have cut down the Zebra grass around the pond, it will be replaced by a smaller type of grass.  I have also lopped the top off what was meant to be a miniature drooping almond tree this will also be removed later.
 Sally is a little "concerned" and accuses me of always cutting down her favourite trees - - - it has to be said there used to be a lovely conical shaped 12ft fir where the almond was - - - although it was meant to be a heebie and only grow to 20cm!
Its plain to see in this pic in all its glory with the rainbow backdrop 15 Aug 2008!

Its apparently going to rain this p.m. so we are off this morning to Sheldon which is the base for our Magpie Mine walk to look at a new stroll! - - -

Enjoy the day
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