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Thursday 2 October 2014

Lunch box police stood down & E45 for me

The ~Hong Kong Pro Democracy demo looks set to continue although the Chinese mainland bosses appear to be losing their patience  with the demonstrators
This story  relates that Nick Clegg the Deputy PM has "summoned" the Chinese Ambassador over "Concerns" at the handling of the protest - - - I hope the Chinese guy at least got a free lunch for his troubles - - -

The pic is of a deserted beach in Japan  It seems that the Japanese are such followers of the law and instructions that once the season for "going to the beach" has past they just dont go there.  The story points out that although the weather after the "beach period" was better the beaches remain deserted.

Great pic of Mount Fuji on the article

Proof, if it was really needed that the looneys have once again taken over is this story that Tom and Jerry cartoons now carry a "racism warning" because the maid in the cartoons is Black.  This fits in nicely with the story of a couple asked to leave a bus and being branded as racist because a muslim passenger objected to them singing a song about Peppa Pig to their child - - - democracy and free speech are a wonderful thing - aren't they - - -

The Lunch Box police have been stood down at "Hall Road Primary Acadamy"  thats a school to anyone reading this who is 40 or older after complaints from both parents and children - - - the slightly "odd" bit about this story is that originally "year six pupils" dubbed the "lunch box police" had the job of inspecting other pupils lunchboxes for prohibited items - - - Mmmmm not quite right - - -

Tax cuts for 30 million! says the daily express headline.  I normally get the "front page" from Sky News but the way they are displaying their pages now means i can no longer "borrow" pics from them.
Ferreting around for another provider i came across The paperboy.com its worth a look because is covers almost worldwide newspapers - - -

Closer to home
It was another trip to Derby Hospital yesterday but the Stitches are out now and so its weeks of spreading E45 cream on the scar and Physio exercises to increase the range of movement - - -
 I had a little time to spare waiting for a train so i popped into Chung Wah a  Chinese Supermarket in Wilmot St.  Its just a few yards away form Marks & Sparks definitely worth a visit but be warned its a bit like going to Ikea for a T towel and coming away with a 3 piece suite! - - -

I was doing some work on my book the other day and wanted a picture of an explosive device called a hayrick.  I googled for pics and found the manufacturers of the device and e mailed them asking if i could use their pic.  They kindly emailed me back wanting chapter and verse about the book, budget circulation etc so they could - - - work out a price- - - I googled again and found an ex Royal Engineer who has a copyrighted pic of one and have now asked him to use it - - -

Enjoy the day
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