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Friday 17 October 2014

new slimming aid? & maybe a little logging today

Taking laxatives to lose weight  appears to be a trend young people are trying without realising the long term effect it can have on their health.  No worse than the "slimming pills" of old which did exactly the same i guess - - -

Spanish amphibians  are having a hard time as viruses are decimating their numbers.  Reportedly deaths have been occurring since 2005 but the story hints at the same problem appearing in other countries as far afield as China as well as France & the Netherlands - - - keep an eye on your frogs and newts - - -

The Oscar Pistorious trial drags on but with a glimmer of hope for a sentencing next Tuesday as the judges diary has "been cleared" that day.  The leader of a prison gang known as the 26's has already issued a threat to "take him out" if he is unfortunate enough to go to jail - - -

We were being warned yesterday that a hurricane which stretched all the way across the width of the Atlantic was going to batter Britain, well here comes Gonzalo the next one!
The Earth wind map shows how close it really is to Bermuda which is reflected in the story but how "they" can predict it is going to hit the UK is beyond me - - -

To give my hand a bit of a test i helped out for a couple of hours at  the Peak Organics kitchen garden which is next to our gardens eastern boundary.  I cleared a patch near the top end of the ploytunnel to allow some winter salad plants to go in. The hand became tender but was ok
I had realised some time ago that the purchase last November of the second bit of land at the top of our garden had not been properly recorded so with the help of Vanessa the surveyor we set to yesterday and resolved the issue.  We now have a complete set of measurements from the top of the Peak Organic plot through our new boundary with them and down to our disputed boundary with number 5.
 the garden is still looking pretty good as we march onward to winter.  Its time to start moving things around so the pic will change a bit from now on
The stats are promising this morning
and the weathercam view looks a if its going to be a sunny aspect once the early mist clears away maybe time for a little logging this p.m.

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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