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Tuesday 7 October 2014

Its official Cannabis is not safe & cat study

This Daily Mail story reports the results of a 20 year study into Cannabis use and de-bunks the many popular theories about the drug.  It reveals a host of  evidence to support the problems of using the stuff but also trots out the "supporters" of legalising it.  One moot point is the reports admission that its impossible to overdose on Cannabis which might just be the reason so many people try/use it - - -

This dog should be dead , after being "put down" by an animal shelter a slight contradiction in terms there! ther vet returned the following day to see the animal standing in an outside pen in the facility.  Nicknamed "Lazarus" the dog finally found an owner - - -

The UK's Hen Harriers are in trouble after 2 tagged young birds have disappeared.  The RSPB is even resorting to £1000 reward offers to discover what has happened to them. Conservationists claim "illegal persecution" by gamekeepers who are protecting their red grouse to be the most likley suspects - - -

Closer to home
Having picked up on a free bit of software to display webcams called iSpy i managed to get it hooked up to the cam wathcing the antics of Little Man's nocturnal coming and goings.

he managed to exit and return 5 times between 20:00 and 05:30 bringing in a couple of tasty morsels in the process.
Anyone interested in cats should not miss the BBC 2 Cat Watch  programmes on at 20:00 today Wed and Thu - - -
I noticed the weather machine had one missed set of data so replaced my tin foil "reflector" with a more "sophisticated" one the other day - - - so far so good the real test will come when the temp gets below zero - - - the black thing taped to the machine is a solar driven fan to counteract the sun heating up the machine - - -
Out walking locally the other day we spotted one of the "smelly old steam trains" against the backdrop of the Autumn colours of the hillside - - - there's a huge quarry disguised under the canopy - - -
A few years ago this lonely stump was a magnificent tree.  Devastated by "Honey Fungus" it was finally felled and the honey fungus has been replaced by "Hen of the woods" to take it to its final demise - - -
My hand op scar is disappearing nicely i reckon in another week I shall be able to test it with a little logging weather permitting! - - - 

Enjoy the day
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