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Wednesday 22 October 2014

Pistorious gets 5 years & the storm aftermath

After all the column inches that the South African trial has been shown in the UK media there are no "shock horror" headlines this morning.  The Sky News first paragraph is telling us that he will probably only serve 10 to 20 months of the sentence actually incarcerated - - - justice has been seen to be done? - - -

The Express splashes "killer Storms" on its front page while
Coverage by the Mail  of the Gonzalo storm to hit the UK is featured and the deaths of 3 people as a result of it are widely circulated.

This report  in the Express though about the "Awesome power of hurricane Gonzalo blows waterfall back upstream" is absolute twaddle. This is the Kinder Downfall waterfall  and even moderate winds in the right direction have the power to blow a stream of spray back "upstream" - - -

The Metro however throws a light hearted brick with the pic at right showing "scenes of complete devastation in Glasgow" caused by Gonzalo - - - its a twitter feed story and has similar "taunts" at the weatherman's predictions - - -

Locally we did have some quite high gusts of winds in the low 40's mph i would say and the rain was quite heavy at times.  My rain guage only recorded 5mm which makes me believe theres something dropped into the mechanism! - - -
  The Temps quite cool just now and not expected to rise by more than a few degrees so its going to feel cold out in the wind
A pertly cloudy sky might give way to more cloud and rain is forecast from 12:00 till 18:00

Enjoy the day
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