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Saturday 11 October 2014

"Bad for you" & I Dye

The "Bad for you" police are out in full force this morning as splashed all over the Express front page is Health Danger in Fruit Juice  The story is worth a read just to clock up how many of the "hoary old chestnuts" regarding fruit juices are bowled over - - - just going to prove that "everything is bad for you!  - - -

Fly-Tipping  a scourge which is rife in some areas.  Its quite surprising when you read the story about how the tippers are brought to justice through the courts.  Some local councils actually finish up being out of pocket! - - - ridiculous.  The main thrust of the article is to give councils the power to impose "on the spot" fines - - - makes you wonder why this isn't how it works anyway? - - -

The pic at left in this story has a title of "Couldnt get a medium?" obviously referring to the fast that the guys hands are "way up" the sleeves of his jacket.  The video is worth a watch although its guaranteed to make you wonder why the years advertising budget was squandered on it! - - - "Cringefest" is how it's described in the article - - - make up your own mind

 After donning my rather old and battle scarred pair of corduroy trousers yesterday to do a bit of gardening before nipping down the shop for, "essential supplies" I remarked to Sally that it was about time they were replaced.
Straight onto the internet it was discovered that prices for a "country weight" pair would start at £50!

I then realised I had a half decent pair bought in haste some time ago from the local "farmers supplies" shop just around the corner.  I say bought in haste because they were that odd "gold" colour you see people wearing at Gymkhanas and I think I had only worn them a couple of times. "I'll dye them black" I said rushing off to Wilko's for the kit to do it with.
In my clumsiness as well as dyeing the trousers i managed also to colour the floor, sink and outside of the washing machine!  All went well though until the spin cycle - - - the machine didn't spin, try putting the machine on "spin only" I thought - - - the machine didn't spin - - - could this turn out to be the most expensive pair of cords I own I thought, visions of a visit to Curry's for a new machine flash before my eyes as i realise, "I will be the one "who broke the machine!"

While all this was going on the evening meal was being prepared "Chilli prawn Stir fry" one of my favourites, "but oh no we haven't any fresh chilli's" says the chef and we search around the fridge and find 2 old and almost manky "Scotch Bonnets" "put those in they'll" be ok I say - - - Wrong!!! the meal is fiery hot and we both admit it has to go in the bin - - - It is deduced that it is my fault for suggesting the manky Scotch Bonnets! - - -
There can only be "one Solution" I decide I will walk the 1 mile down the road to the "open all hours store" and get more, "essential supplies"
As I prepare to leave we realise that we have not followed the idiots guide to anything that has a computer brain inside it "Switch it off and then back on again"
Returning from the treck I spy a pair of black, well dark blue actually, trousers drying over the wood burner and a wife with a triumphant smile on her face.  heaven forbid i should try and take the credit "You fixed it then"  I say as i uncork one of the "essential supplies" and toast her good health!

Off to visit an old matetoday, "wearing my new blue cords" he has a huge Hot Tub in the back garden - - - now where did i put my swimming trunks? - - - should I dye them?  Maybe not!

Enjoy the day
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