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Sunday 12 October 2014

Ruby who? & I used to be undecided - - -

A nice little punchy article in the Independent by Ruby Tandoh.  Ruby who? i thought as it caught my eye.  She was on The great british bake off No I did not and do not watch it! in 2013 she has written a book called "Crumb" and seems to be doing well for herself.  Ruby has had a go at "Twitter trolls" who have given her a hard time,  I still don't quite get the point of twitter? however I do sympathise when in the article she says "Being anxious is my worst habit" and her description to back up the statement i have done myself! - - -

Nigel Farage must be enjoying all the column inches he and his UKIP party are getting and this Independent newspaper article has branded him as having "A fuddy duddy look which is a calculated harking back to post war patriotism.  At the bottom of the piece the reporter marks him up as "the scam" - - - methinks however Nigel is harking back to "post war common sense" not patriotism - - - only time will tell - - -

The Express front page gives us a glimmer of hope that the usual screwing up of energy prices over winter will not happen this time - - - Ofgem, it is said "should stop any planned price hikes this winter - - - don't you just love an optimist ! - - -

This article on the Dangers of lead is quite interesting, I never knew it was common practice once to put it into wine!
One of our favourite local walks is around an old Lead Mine  close to the village of Sheldon and it features in the story.  Even closer though, a mere 2 miles down the Derwent Valley and also included in the story is HJ Enthoven  who re-cycle old vehicle batteries - - - worth a read

We visited an old Army friend and his wife yesterday and as is Kevins speciality, had a BBQ!  I didn't however get to try the delights of his huge hot tub in the garden even though i arrived clutching my cossie and towel.  Its interesting how with some people you can just sit around and "chew the fat" and never tire of it or their company - - - great couple - - -

Chatting to another friend and colleague "lets call her Debs" down the shop she mentions being caught doing 46 in a 40 mile speed limit and the resultant fine being over £100 - - - a little harsh I mused as she made light of having just got shot of 6 points on her licence! - - - hey ho
While Little Man occupies the best seat in the house
The view from the top of the garden is restricted to around 300 metres due to the fog
and even though the latest Barometric Tendency is towards a sunny aspect i think it might be a tad on the optimistic side today - - -

"I used to be undecided - now I'm not so sure" go's the old saying. With having these few weeks off I have had time to reflect on my decision to retire in March next year.  I'm coming round to the idea of "I might just work a little longer".  I'm not the type of person who would be "bored" not working but the advantages of carrying on do seem to be outweighing the reasons for stopping - - - ah well back to the grindstone! - - -

Enjoy the day
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