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Friday 3 October 2014

Thats what you call mountain biking! & I take to the roads

This brilliant pic is on the front of the The Scotsman and the story covers the antics of Danny MacAskill while riding the 7.5 mile route along Cuillin Ridge! - - - cant say he's "hogging the road" up there! - - -

The BBC displays this RSPB story about the success of the "best corncrake season in 45 years".  The species has had a hard time in previous years due to the early grass cutting which the RSPB Scotland has addressed with crofters and farmers in its Scottish habitiat- - -

The Express has a good headline for a change trumpeting the pledge by our PM to cut the ties to the European Court of Human Rights to end this human rights madness  - - - could this be the "beginning of the end" for our EU membership - - -

A pill to reduce Alcohol consumption  says this BBC story, its designed to help "problem drinkers" at £3 a go its not cheap but its already being prescribed in Scotland presumably with some dgree of success - - -

A toll-taker has quit her job because she had been told to stop saying "God Bless You"  to departing motorists from her toll booth.  She is now taking her former employers to court for back pay and benefits - - -

The Dowager Duchess of Devonshire  had a good send off yesterday at Chatsworth.  Prince Charles and Camilla attended amongst the crowd who turned up to follow the cortege from the House to the church.  - - -

Closer to home
Sally's visit to see her Father along with her sister yesterday finished up being a bit of a trial having been stationary on the M1 due to an accident.  Taking 4 hours to get back she arrived home less than amused and tired out.
My turn today, Friday not being the best day to take to the roads!   I have arranged to have lunch with Number 1 Daughter (the elder) who lives near Banbury.  When i had a "real job" it was a regular trip for me down to our head office in the centre of the town.  7 hours was my record for going down there after getting stuck on the M42.  I'm hoping not to repeat that today - - -

Enjoy the day
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