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Tuesday 29 April 2014

Don't use IE! & A bit of a walk

The US Government no less has has issued a warning for people not to use Microsoft's Internet Explorer
Security issues in IE versions 6 to 11 along with the end of cover for Windows XP are good enough reason for everyone to read this article if they use either!

I was only reading a couple of days ago that school kids take knives to school "because everyone else carries one" and wondered how true the data was in the article
The papers in UK today are covered with the story about a language teacher in a Leeds school being murdered by a 15 year old pupil!  - - - A sign of the times -  --

I had decided late Sunday to "go for a walk" on Monday but not having stocked up on the standard emergency rations decided against going up onto the Kinder area.
I opted instead to try a walk we have not done in a while.
Starting at a car park just above the village of Curbar its a simple route roughly travelling North along "White Edge" to its end then descending to a road past our favourite lunch venue then heading back South along Froggatt and Curbar Edge's back to the car park
The view from the Car park at 0745 is pretty impressive looking west across the Derwent Valley
 A short sharp hill gets you up onto White Edge and the terrain is typical heathland at this point.  The pic is looking South

The track is easy to follow and for the most part flat.  I have heard a Curlew and it suddenly fly's down into the tree cover at left from the track ahead.
Here's a new addition to the track-side some kind of memorial stone.  The inscription is on each face so you have to go around the stone to read it - - I decide to leave it for another time.
Almost at the most Northerly point now with the Lunch stop pub down below.  I hear a Cuckoo as I walk through a small forest just before the pub. We had commented that on our last Lunchtime visit we had not seen the swallows that nest in the pub area but as I walk past it along the road I can see a few wheeling around the sky.
Turning South on the road its only a few hundred metres until I regain the track along Froggatt Edge.  Once again the track is wide and relatively flat.
Onto Curbar edge and the sun is making brief appearances from behind the breaking clouds.  In the distance I can see down to Chatsworth House and a little further on the beginning of Darley Dale
Standing on an outcrop of rock on Curbar Edge I can see my van parked below and Baslow Edge on the other side of the road.
 Back at the car park with the sun out I can look up and see the outcrop I had been standing on for the previous pic.  I had forgotten what a pleasant walk this is! - - -

After lunch we potter in the garden enjoying the sunshine
The bluebells ar adding a little much needed colour now.

After chopping the hawthorn tree down last year to a 4ft stump we are avidly watching it pushing out shoots and considering how high we will let it grow - - -

Only one more day before another series of shifts at the Fun Factory! - - -

Enjoy the day
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Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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