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Wednesday 23 April 2014

For England and St George! & pond repair prep

Its St Georges day today
but we wont be celebrating.  Its a curious English custom to largely ignore our patron saints day.  Nowadays though we are remindeed by the "politically correct police" that we might be offending someone if we do!  - - -

Its a little more OK! to celebrate Shakespeare's birthday
which is also today! apparently in 2016 it will be his 400th birthday and The British Council is organising an international programme of events - - -

An amusing but almost deadly video here

the amusing bit I think can be seen if you follow the link.  after the almost fatal accident the cars waiting at the level crossing just go on their way! - - -

Closer to home 
Its time to repair the punctured pond liner and we set to this afternoon marking the pond surround stones
here Sally numbers the stones in an effort to ensure they go back in the right positions.
all set for tomorrow!
Enjoy the day
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Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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