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Tuesday 22 April 2014

Christian country? & lazing around

It was an Australian MP of some description that recently said its country was a Christian one and was admired for it
In the UK however the PM is being hauled over the coals by some being accused of "alienating" sections of society.  Indeed the President of "The British Humanist Association" says quite openly that "Britain is not a Christian Country" methinks this story has the legs for a good run!  

The Queen celebrates her 88th biirthday
and quite fittingly there are salutes being fired the length and breadth of the country
In Scotland there were a number of venues where saltes were fired - - - for how much longer i wonder?

Dont poke at a leopard! should be the moral of this story
great short video of the leopard emerging out of a roof space only to chase one of the pok-ers and scratch his backside,. - - - thankfully the animal was not killed but captured and will be released into the forest - - - ever dwindling forest according to the story - - -

The Express
Trumpets yet another cancer success! I rather fancy the top left headline of "Bottle of wine a day is good for you"! - - -

Closer to home
Our plan of burning the brashings up at our logging site on Sunday was thwarted by early rain which made us cancel the trip
We took to the garden in the light rain to do a few jobs
Here Sainsbury tests out a drying seat by the pond
but then fish movement gets the better of him and he has to investigate it
finally he just lazes around!

We have decided to fit the new liner into the leaking pond this week weather permitting - - - watch this space.

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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