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Tuesday 15 April 2014

Good headlines today! & A good walk in the hills

The UK newspaper headlines have their usual sprinkling of fairy stories today
The express makes us believe that cutting down on our salt intake will "save your life" while an MP tells us "We're winning the war on benefits"  - - - if only
The main line though is that once again our house prices are going to "keep soaring"  This is an oft repeated headline which would have every house in the UK worth more than £1m if it were true!

The Mail meanwhile castigates Nick Clegg for "knowing nothing" about former Lib Dem MP Cyril Smiths sex abuse antics.

 Nigel Farage, The darling of the press a few days ago for his TV debates with Nick Clegg has the smile wiped from his face as The Times claims
he is facing an investigation over "missing" EU expenses - - - maybe one to watch in the coming days

Back to the real world - - well maybe not, I don't suppose for a minute anyone I know has seen Eagles hunting foxes?
a fascinating story from the BBC with some stunning pics - - - worth a look

Closer to home
Putting in a little training for my Snowdon Horseshoe walk in June I drove up early yesterday morning to an area called Kinder Scout.  Its been one of my favourite areas for years if i want to take on a "real walk".
The start of the drive to Kinder takes me through Chatsworth and a herd of deer were very close to the road so i stopped to snap this pic
With the wind blowing hard the difference in temperature between home and Kinder was noticeable!
so by the time i was anywhere near the rock formation at the top of this path known as "seal stones" i had donned the woolly hat and gloves!
on top of the ridge and walking along it was surprising how little water was running off the plateau down the various gullies.  No doubt it would have been a different story in January at the time of the downpours.

This is the start of the "Peat hags" which stretch all across the plateau to Kinder Downfall thankfully I am not going that way today.
I arrive at "Fairbrook Naze" or "The anvil as we call it.  The wind which has been howlinh from my right is nor blowing directly at me.  The walk along "the Edge" footpath will not be comfortable.
I finally get down off the ridge and the wind eases a little. the clouds start to break a little!
This little tarn is also an indication of how little rain we have had recently, I'm headed down a track towards the wood in the right edge of this pic.
full sun now, wouldn't you just know it! the tranquil end to the walk through the pine forest has been decimated by felling and frankly the place is now a mess!
Back at the start point looking up to Seal Stones way up on the ridge!  3hrs 40 minutes good walk! - - -

While I have been waking Sally has been busy planting out her beans and peas so we promptly have a frost last night!  fingers crossed - - -

Enjoy the day
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Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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