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Monday 7 April 2014

Best before dates - forget em! & it does rain in the Maldives

Ok its an American story but i have a lot of time for what its saying.
Here are 5 food items that are OK to eat after the expiry date.
It go's on to say that there are going to be supermarkets and restaurants in the US serving out of date food.
Its quite amusing watching people in the shop where I work ferreting around the shelves looking for the best date.  I have stopped telling them that the dates are all the same sometimes preferring to watch them huff and puff when they realise it!! - - -

Another snout in the trough story
about MP Maria Miller having more than her "fair share" of our money as "expenses" for running the country for our benefit.

The Mail online
really go's to town on Maria Miller with some cracking pics of a property it says have been funded by the tax payer - - - yes me and you! - - - I wonder if she wouldn't mind if I had it for a couple of weeks in the summer! - - -

It looking more likely that the missing MH370 aircraft
black box has been "located" in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Perth.
Here's hoping the searchers locate the exact position before the batteries run out which might be soon.  It would just increase the anguish of the relatives of the passengers if there is no explanation as to what happened to the plane.
The interesting thing is there appears to be no wreckage floating about the area.
I wonder if one of the pilots took over the aircraft, took it to an altitude where the passenger oxygen masks would have deployed then they would have suffocated when it ran out.  The pilot then "lands the aircraft" on the ocean and lets its sink committing suicide at the same time????? !!!!!! - -  -

Closer to home

Yet another Arthritis cure/way to ease pain!  Although the pic of the 2 kids on a beach with a headline of "here comes the sun" interests me a little more!

One more "paper" has a similar line saying we are going to have 6 weeks of sunshine - - - - Bring it on!!

OK its no secret in the blog that Sally and I love the Maldives and over the 10 trips we have had at various times of year we have seen the odd, well maybe not odd bit of rain but huge downpours
so here's a pic from Sunday at Kuredu resort of a "bit of a downpour!"  You can see the palm trees blowing all over the place!! The great thing about the Maldives though it can be like this one minute
and then like this 20 minutes later!  
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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