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Sunday 20 April 2014

More tragedy on Everest & An Easter Break

The Everest death toll rises
as an avalanche kills 12 Sherpas
They were laying ropes across an area known as "popcorn field" in preparation of the May climbing season when the accident happened.
This takes the death toll on the mountain to more than 300 since it was first climbed back in 1953

 On a lighter note our PM, rather than the electorate "Get stung" for a change!
he was holidaying in Lanzarote and after being stung once went back in the sea only to get stung again before giving up the idea. - - -

meanwhile back home something else which will sting the PM is the sacking of his appointed crony to run a Quango only to find out his chum Tony Caplin had neglected to point out that he was a bankrupt! - - -

Slow moving landslide in Wyoming
provides some dramatic shots of the destructive force of nature.  The ground has been on the move for a couple of weeks now and "experts" have no idea how long it might continue.
A local man explains that recent construction has been "messing about with Mother Nature and they didnt think about the long term consequences"  Nothing new there then! - - - 

Closer to home
The great weather of the last few days has given way to a rather cloudy Sunday and the prospect of rain later today and tomorrow - - - after all it is Easter! - - -

The shop has provided its usual crop of "incidents" to make our day interesting.  On Friday a man was observed wandering around the shop with a trolley accompanied by 2 kids.  Nothing unusual about that except he was wearing Pyjamas!  Sainsbury's pyjamas to boot!

We were slowly being buried in the warehouse by what seemed a mountain of Taste The Difference Hot Cross Buns
as luck would have it the ever popular in store bakery ones sold out and with the "Best Before" date approaching a concerted effort was made to have them in as many places on display in the store.  I was putting the finishing touches to around 200 packets on a display and had a roller with around 100 more on it when a customer approached me and muttered, "where's yer ot cross buns?"
I managed to suppress a withering look and just smiled and pointed to the display! - - -

As I made my escape from the shop at the end of my shift I passed the new Bakery boss and the store manager near the entrance eagerly sticking "reduced" stickers to yet another huge pile of Hot Cross Buns. - - - I decided it was probably not the time for a sarcastic comment and fled across the car park amused at the queue of cars trying to access the shop!

Today looks to be a bit of a write off from the sunshine point of view but we had already decided to go up to the logging area and burn off some of the old brashings.
Our friends Jim and Lisa who own the land have made the Daily Mail
with their underground water tank conversion to a holiday home!  - - -

Enjoy the day
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Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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