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Sunday 27 April 2014

If its not broken don't fix it & Pond surround job

I'm not a football follower but you couldn't miss the recent and much publicized exit of the former manager of Manchester United  for the teams lack of form
It must have been to the delight of the fans yesterday when the team beet Norwich 4-0 with Ryan Giggs in the managers seat.

I wondered if the appointment of Giggs as temporary manager might have been the "poison chalice" for him but his quote in the story, "the 40 year old promised a return to the traditional Manchester United style of play" go's to prove the age old adage, "if its not broken don't fix it!

I blogged recently about the PM saying the UK was a Christian Nation -
Now its the turn of the Ex Archbishop of Canterbury why was he not told about that appalling beard?.  He comes up with the idea that we are a "Post Christian Nation"

 The article though appears to be a a chance for the Telegraph to air its "Exclusive Poll" of 2000 people about the church, its roll and how others see it - - - interesting data though! - - -

Its heartening to realise that people in Hong Kong can be just as silly as we are in the UK!
A debate is raging over kids having to pee in the Hong Kong streets.  Not something that they do on a regular basis but "when the kids got to go the kids got to go!"
The local fine for this heinous crime is HK$2000 so not "to be sniffed at" - - - sorry!
The real meat behind the story though seems to be that Hong Kongers are pointing the finger at "mainland Chinese tourists"  One "mainlander" is so outraged at the finger pointing that he is trying to organise what amounts to a "mass Pee-in" - - -

Closer to home
Sainsbury tests out the laundry bag for size

We meanwhile ignore the rainy weather forecast and set to re-arranging the stones around the pond in an effort to stop any-more fish trying to jump out
We had previously sat the stones on a bed of concrete but this left them looking rather untidy so this time we determined to make a neater job
The idea then was to arrange the stones directly onto the liner and then fill in the area between the stone and the surrounding walls with concrete topped off with a thin layer of finely broken slate.
We had collected the slate years ago from the Lake District Slate mine at Honnister and it has lain around the garden since.
Sally surveys the stones and we both pronounce them much better than before
mixing concrete is a task I never enjoy but I press on! suitably supervised by Sally sitting in the sunshine!
some considerable time later here I am completing the task and just firming in the last bit of slate.  The weather is still holding although we note the clouds are building.  A few "wine's" later we pronounce the day a success and retreat to the house.

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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