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Wednesday 16 April 2014

Food for free & Tu-day

Food banks or Food for Free as I'm sure some people see it!
The BBC story has facts and figures about who uses these food banks and why.  Low income 20%, and then a blast about benefit payment delays or cancellations contributing to 83% of visitors being referred to the food banks.
OK hard luck story but it makes you wonder just why all this is happening - - -

No you cant sit down we don't have any chairs in the office  !
 This could be a welcome you get if you visit a business trending the idea of standing up while working!
Sitting is bad for you we are told- - - come on everything's is bad for you - - - isn't it?
Interesting that one firm, VM Turbo , featured in the article got rid of their desks and chairs for the "high tables" required for "standing work" at some expense - - - then bought "high chairs" at more expense! would you use a firm like that?  Mmmmmmm - - -

The Daily Express continues to provide a rich vein of interesting lines just on its front page!
Shock horror we face a banana shortage! it could be serious though as a "Killer Fungus"  in some growing areas - - - watch for prices rising even though we might not yet be affected! - - -
There's a 5p a day super pill to slash the risk of heart attacks - - - I wonder if you will be able to get it at the Food Bank! - - -
With an MP yesterday trumpeting that "they" were getting somewhere with "spurious benefit claimants" it will come as no surprise that the main thrust of today's front page is given over to a mother telling her daughter to "Get pregnant for benefits" - - - this has long been the case in the UK so I'm not sure why its there!
Finally! a nice pic of a girl amongst a sea of blooms with the byline of "weather experts predict blazing hot summer"  - - - that puts paid to any chance of a summer like last year then lol!  

Nearer to home
Tu-day! or step back a bit, I had always wondered why Sainsbugs call their clothing range Tu - - ?  OK I have worked there nearly 6 years but its hardly a "love affair" .  Anyway having been approached by a colleague, "Lets call her Rachel" a bubbly vivacious 20 something, well maybe 30 something, well maybe slightly older, but you get the idea.
She approached me and, hey wait a minute i just noticed my spell checker picked up Rachel and wants to suggest earache!! .  Anyway I digress she wanted to promote the Tu clothing range because that's part of what she is in charge of in the shop.

Apparently Tu is the informal version of the French word Vous (you), so at least I have learned something new today! But why call a clothing range You?  - - - and in French of all languages?

So then if you are passing a Sainsbugs anywhere in the world pop in and look at the Tu range of clothing - - - if you are passing Sainsbugs Matlock pop in and ask to speak to Rachel she'll be delighted to show you her wares! - - - Psst! there's 25% off all the Tu range at the moment!

Enjoy the day
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